Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] in the " in BNC.

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1 Okay number two would you please affirm the call of Ian for in the psychiatric unit .
2 It is possible to record from more than one subject at a time on a single EEG machine , so that it is common to have two bedrooms equipped with headboards ( into which the electrodes are plugged ) — for instance as in the Department of Human Sciences at Loughborough University — or to have two headboards and beds in a single bedroom , as in Hull .
3 Six of the eighteen people who participated in the study were recorded as being contacted by other clients for approximately 7 minutes worth in the 11 hour day observed on only one of the datapoints ; one person received this level of contact on two datapoints ; and one other received 26 minutes in 11 hours on one datapoint .
4 This was probably an enclosed wood for the use of the lord of the Manor for in the old English the term Hag or Haggs denoted a fenced or enclosed wood .
5 Five months pregnant with her fifth child , Emecheta fled and ended up in a council block for problem families , which became the setting for In The Ditch .
6 In addition to acoustic-phonetic effects , there are also phonological effects such as the deletion of in the phrase list some .
7 The talk drifted away to food , shortages of in the G.D.R .
8 This by the way is er Donald who is making sound recordings of in the school today .
9 In terms of yes we do show er , er , a figure of in the current year of seven hundred and seventy five basics which is an odd sort of figure on the , the monitoring report .
10 ‘ His record this season-just nine goals against in the League so far , with nine clean sheets — speaks volumes for his determination . ’
11 I 'd go a little bit further and say well it 'd be much more likely that husband and wife would be in the master bedroom with in the small bedroom , but as you say er the adults or anybody indeed in the flat is likely to be in the bedrooms at that time , but Sergeant you see went a bit further and said that at the briefing , somehow he got information that was likely to be in the master bedroom so I understand your evidence , you certainly did n't get that impression at the brief .
12 It is a characteristic of Nicholson that he displays and hopes for loyalty from a friendship and thus most of those he met and formed relationships with in the late Fifties and early Sixties were still in his life at the turn of the Nineties .
13 Erm the only purpose of the information presented is to establish the differences in strategic terms between the the districts in in the county .
14 But by how much could we degrade the aircraft and still be capable of erm competing with erm other aircraft in in the market ?
15 i side in in the the er thing for Edinburgh University , you know when they do their careers choice their jobs and interests information guide from the Edinburgh ?
16 Yeah , well all the shops are closed in it now it 's finished put some chemical in in the water and makes them
17 Well if he 'd have come down here that night , or that day when there was three cars in in the drive and one right across the pavement , and then that that big lorry on the pavement he 'd have had them would n't he ?
18 afraid of woman 's power and the only way they know how to combat that is is to put out this kind of this hatred or or this misogyny in in the language in the way they behave towards women .
19 So coming back more specifically to Selby , and taking er Mr Curtis 's ball-park figure of of seventeen hundred , erm now already we 've we 've got approximately eight hundred and fifty committed in terms of a hundred and eighty con er completions , five hundred and sixty permissions including conversions , and a hundred and ten dwellings identified on a site at Elvington in in the Greater York study , and there 's really not a great deal more flexibility , erm , because of the greenbelt constraint .
20 now would Paragon garage not have a car in in the middle of the week ?
21 and then when I I put the mix in in the oven hot so I put the nutmeg on top grated nutmeg
22 have the er figures in front of you of our progress during the last twelve months you will no doubt see that we are in a very nice financial position er only a pound and a penny off that magic thousand pound in in the club now .
23 You were right in saying that there was very bad press given to hormone replacement therapy in in the early days when they used very high doses of of er un er , of normal oestrogens and this caused an increase in the amount of end of uterus , uterine cancer and this I think has generally er mo mo mo ruined the course for for the older doctors because they still think that it 's associated with an increase in cancer and they have n't got up to date to realise that the more modern preparations are not causing this and that 's where I think th the problems li lie .
24 We certainly do n't believe that that will will be the case erm , I suspect personally that er their own policies and proposals probably have more harm in in the issue on the issues of urban regeneration of perhaps North Yorkshire as well .
25 Because when Margaret gets going we 'll have the good on in the office which super but it would be rather nice to have another one .
26 And they 'll get tea at in the stack yard or wherever they were .
27 Major work continues in Newark town centre with the closure of part of in the Beesmarket Hill area of the town .
28 Major work continues in Newark town centre with the closure of part of in the
29 The first term is the optimal level of in the one shot game , the second is the benefit from the effect has on future state variables .
30 Arthur erm he was exempt from erm er these sort of civil defence activities , I think bit of in the road where he lived .
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