Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [Wh pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A strong man himself , Henry bred strong sons for whom even the great Angevin Empire was too small .
2 Social racism , which is a form of chauvinistic nationalism or tribalism , exists quite independently of the geneticists and biologists for whom alone the term race has some residual scientific validity .
3 He symbolizes man liberated by reason from the fear of death , the optimist for whom all truth is rationally accessible and knowledge of the truth a panacea .
4 In any event , do not descend to the clichés of politician and journalist for whom all changes are ‘ dramatic ’ , all majorities are ‘ vast ’ and all proportions are ‘ mammoth ’ .
5 they 'd leave themselves open to some criticism erm because the beneficiaries of whoever otherwise may be entitled to the shares may have said I would like to have those shares .
6 This makes it clear that Mrs. Proudie is a woman the like of whom neither Barchester nor any of its inhabitants have ever before seen .
7 Overseas runners drown by the lure of the pound will inevitably confuse the equation of who eventually comes out on top .
8 In 1991 , there were 701,000 pupils being educated in Roman Catholic schools of whom only 11.5 per cent .
9 Subjects in whom only before or after treatment values were available were excluded from the main analysis .
10 Wall 's ( 1986 ) evidence suggests that there have been fluctuations over time in patterns of who actually shares households , but that these have not been in a single direction .
11 Mrs. Mary Campbell of Boquhan , a lady with important political connections in the town of Stirling , sent Drummond with her letter of recommendation to call on Lord Milton , the intermediary through whom much of the Duke of Argyll 's patronage was distributed .
12 We shall be asking for more details in Committee about who else will be involved and how they will discharge their duties .
13 This seems to be the case with reported visions of the Virgin Mary , identification of whom usually occurs after the initial vision , which is frequently by children , outdoors , at springs or streams .
14 The conjunction of the two gives us such singers of whom there occur perhaps half-a-dozen in a generation or even in a century .
15 Chapter 5 was devoted to the question of who then owns the goods , the purchaser or the original owner .
16 The following letter , transcribed in full , leaves us perplexed over the question of who precisely Dixon was .
17 Left-inclined critics argue that pluralists ignore the more fundamental question of who actually benefits from public-policy outcomes and wrongly assume that participation is power .
18 The British government er not only went along with this agreement at the time of the Edinburgh summit , they positively endorsed this arrangement er as being something that they er strongly supported and urged upon other member states in the European community er and that I think is a relevant matter with respect er Mr Deputy Speaker , I I appreciate that er there are other issues relating to these er er constituencies that are of greater concern perhaps to er honourable and right honourable members but this question of who actually is to pay for any new building in the European parliament is something that I believe the government can not avoid .
19 This was well correlated with the values obtained from those with BrdUrd labelling in the 10 rats in whom both methods were used ( r=0.72 , p=0.001 ) .
20 The dull coloured brickwork merged into the undergrowth of trees , weeds and plants untamed and was hardly noticed by most passes by who probably dismissed it as one of Lincolnshire 's useless ruins , which would either fall down or have to be pulled down eventually .
21 There is also to be a polo tournament for complete teams of non-polo players at £20 per team for whom all equipment will be supplied .
22 He was Arthur Wharton , a Jamaican about whom little recorded evidence exists apart from his sprinting achievements .
23 In an Amazonomachy by Mikon in the Stoa Poikile at Athens was a notorious figure named Butes of whom only the helmet and one eye were to be seen , and there are less dramatic examples in some Amazons on the vase ( fig. 116 ) .
24 He still managed to finish seven lengths ahead of Deep Sensation of whom much more will be heard .
25 The second surveyed 1,500 individuals of whom half were participants in the old Job Training Scheme and the rest were a matched sample by a broad set of labour market characteristics .
26 Thus , the primary musical materials represent only the starting point for an investigation into who actually played and sang what in these ballets .
27 Notable painters included with stained glass panels by , embroidery by , lacework by and tapestry by who also exhibited watercolours .
28 Of course , there are plenty of bands around who still shun the use of a digital recording system in favour of its analogue forbears , but fings ai n't want they used to be and DAT 's the truth .
29 As the person through whom all orders for purchases from project grants must pass , this is clearly a key position in the project 's structure .
30 Is the Nat Sec the person through whom all dealings with the nation 's Churches at central level are to be conducted ( eg Synods , Assemblies , central women 's organisations , youth offices etc ) ?
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