Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Each patient had three measurements of bone mineral density and rates of bone loss were estimated by linear regression for each subject .
2 In fact , Lucas actually substitutes for from equation ( 6.4 ) and estimates the following regression for each country :
3 Thus Lucas can be seen to be estimating a regression for each country in which that country 's deviation of real output from its natural level is regressed on its own lagged value and Lucas 's measure of the unpredictable and therefore unanticipated component of aggregate demand .
4 By 1906 Picasso had known the work of Gauguin for some time .
5 The solid-coloured , hardy breeds of central and southern France include some traditional dairy breeds now developed as suckler cows for commercial crosses , and the massive traditional draught breeds which are now so important as sires for those beef crosses , a role in which their influence has become widespread in Europe and elsewhere in recent years .
6 A comparison of the prospectuses for 1980–81 and 1986–87 of a number of institutions for this study suggested that , contrary to the arthritic stereotype purveyed sometimes by the press and others who should know better , degree provision in higher education is by no means static .
7 Short-term performance is then to be judged by a comparison of budgeted and actual ROI for that year .
8 Under these conditions , it is not surprising to find that superiors and subordinates hold optimistic and pessimistic views about each other .
9 We want to hear your views about any issue affecting the countryside .
10 We want to hear your views about any issue affecting the countryside .
11 She added that Miss Owen had been sacked for asking the elderly residents their views about another member of staff .
12 Few cases are quite as confusing as the zebra 's stripes , but there is always the chance that in a year or so 's time new information will have been gathered that changes our views about some aspect of animal life .
13 For example in a database containing the full text of literary works , each work will be protected in its own right and the duration of protection for that work will be based on the life of the author plus fifty years , or in the case of an Act of Parliament ( subject to Crown Copyright ) 125 years from the end of the calendar year during which it was created , and not from the time it was entered into the database .
14 The RSPB generally endorses the CC recommendations but considers that its own proposals provide better protection for all wildlife features and not just moorlands .
15 Clause 24 and Sch 5 provide additional protection for all safety representatives against being dismissed for carrying out their health and safety duties .
16 This system , together with actuarial certification , guidance and disclosure , should provide the optimum protection for all pension scheme members without the need to impose rigid minimum funding standards and other legislative requirements .
17 Dr Norris said the doctors were demanding protection for all health care ‘ homicide ’ .
18 The exceptional talents of CI5 are spread quite thin in the pursuit of protection for all manner of important persons , from very may different nations . ’
19 It also offered concealment and protection for any creature that lived within it .
20 Ms Gillespie believes there is a need for extra protection for this age group at work , particularly where long hours are concerned .
21 Bamberger orbited over Filfla for some time .
22 I just find it a little odd that , at this sensitive time , when Stagecoach has announced that it will bid for every Scottish Bus Group subsidiary and is putting together a 1 million war chest for that purpose , the SDA is investing £500,000 .
23 Moreover , all pupils were to be subject to annual tests in reading , writing and arithmetic , administered by HMI , and 2s. 8d. ( approximately 14p ) was to be deducted from the grant for each test a child failed .
24 Government offered a 50 per cent grant for such work , which remained in force after the War .
25 The first arose from the government 's decision to impose a standstill grant for that year — in effect a reduction in the District 's planned programme in the 1952–53 session at a time when much patient work to gain support from trade union branches and members had succeeded particularly in Norwich and Northamptonshire .
26 In practice , this meant that a polytechnic or college of higher education could obtain a 100 per cent grant for that proportion of the establishment 's work which fell within the definition of ‘ poolable advanced further education ’ as agreed by local authorities .
27 Can I get a grant for this work ?
28 The largest grant for this year goes to Liverpool Roman Catholic Cathedral which receives £500,000 , needed for structural repairs and water-proofing of the 1930 Lutyens crypt .
29 As explained above , such students can usually complete the LLB ordinary programme within two years but , as they are not entitled to an SOED or LEA grant for this period , they must ensure that they have sufficient financial resources to cover the cost of their studies .
30 That those responsible for planning and leading worship make as thorough a preparation for each service as is possible , including the preparation of prayer ( 500 ) .
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