Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Faced with conflicting advice from radio stations and the state authorities about whether to evacuate , many people just fled .
2 The air-gargoyles gently sucked and puffed the aromatic smoke into strange curlicues as if sketching the features of potential daemons which might lurk outside the hull .
3 Instead of picking them up , she moved behind the pedestal as if taking refuge .
4 It was only another hundred metres : there , just beyond the float full of oversized Capellans , dummies , their huge bald heads bobbing with grave benevolence as if conferring blessings on the excited crowd .
5 He grinned wickedly at Lucie as if to say , ‘ There now .
6 Gilbert turned to stare in Cardiff 's direction as if contemplating another mad dash for the reception doors and then remembered the thing that lay beyond them .
7 When he slept , he entwined his fingers in her necklace as if to hold her should she awaken .
8 ‘ You startled me , Mr Laidlaw , ’ he said breathlessly in English and clamped his hand over his heart as if to emphasize the point .
9 The realization came as a shock and she pressed her clenched fist to her heart as if to pacify it .
10 Harrison drew back his jaw as if riding the blow .
11 It bowed its ruined head to its chest as if to inspect the squealing assailant now hanging from its buckled shoulder with frantic claws .
12 Warmed by his body heat , her fingers spread out against his chest as if to absorb him .
13 The first time I asked he engaged his brain , the second time he wavered a bit as if understanding he should be doing something , though not what he should be doing , and the third time he translated it successfully .
14 Claudia said , glancing at the watchful man , who was leaning against the door-frame as if to prevent any thought of escape she might have .
15 But try telling that to the actor who reads : ‘ He delivers every line with a monotonous tenor bark as if addressing an audience of deaf eskimos . ’
16 Now she smiled down faintly at the jungle below the crystal windows of the suite as if remembering home — though that day the really deadly jungle was within the city , not without .
17 George sighted along his stick as if taking aim .
18 Brenner banged his right hand on the head of his stick as if to knock some feeling back into it .
19 Joanna looked at Isabel as if hoping for enlightenment .
20 The decision about whether to continue with a pregnancy is the choice of the woman .
21 The fertility counsellor 's main role is to help clients explore the complex issues surrounding possible treatments ; the most important criteria is for patients and clients to be able to make an informed decision about whether to undergo treatment .
22 Meanwhile , Unix System Labs is probably going to have to make a business decision about whether to get Motif from the outside .
23 Meanwhile , Unix System Laboratories Inc is probably going to have to make a business decision about whether to buy in Motif from the outside .
24 Charles found he was watching much of the play as if seeing it for the first time .
25 Physic News told Mr Hayden to talk to the ghost as if to help him , but no response was ever forthcoming .
26 Things to Watch for When Making Changes
27 But Charlie gave her a pained look as if to say , You 've got to be joking , and Lucy tried to cover her tracks by pretending that , yes .
28 Shaking his head , he opened and closed the drawer several times as if to demonstrate its innocence .
29 Stuart bellowed his words as if answering a court-martial and failure to enunciate perfectly at top volume would earn him a few more years in the glasshouse .
30 Berowne gave him a rueful glance as if to say : ‘ See how even the lights conspire against me , ’ and walked briskly across .
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