Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] must " in BNC.

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1 The case for antigravity must be regarded as ‘ not proven ’ — as Scottish jurors decree when they can not decide upon the guilt or innocence of the defendant .
2 This attitude must change , for man 's progress through time must inevitably confer upon him the right to use his powers of reason and logical thinking to build for himself a satisfying religion based on a credible ‘ god ’ .
3 The Tsar 's support for emancipation must be understood within the broader context of the State 's role in a serf-based society .
4 And I also rely on my evidence of of quoting another custodian of Government policy namely the Prime Minister and its current Prime Minister erm who makes the point that proposals for development must not be turned down simply because it is the safest course .
5 Through this dense mesh , proposals for change must pass .
6 When one tries to analyse the real reasons for the respect which French cookery has so long exacted from the rest of the world , the French genius for presentation must be counted as a very relevant point , and its humble beginnings can be seen on the market stalls , i the small town charcutiers ' and pâtissiers ' shops , in the modest little restaurants where even if the cooking is not particularly distinguished , the most ordinary of little dishes will be brought to your table with respect , properly arranged on a serving dish , the vegetables separately served , the object of arousing your appetite will be achieved and the proprietors of the establishment will have made the most of their limited resources .
7 A third would give GPs an explicit right to prescribe the drugs their patients need without any cash limit , while a fourth would specify that all contracts for care must protect quality , not just promote cost competition .
8 A prime defendent for an action for misrepresentation must be the company , Chiltern Show Society limited .
9 The effort involved in the activity of penance may become less rigorous as the self achieves a habit of self-control born out of self-knowledge , although , clearly , the kind of self-awareness which is the necessary ingredient for penance must constantly be maintained .
10 The original regulations of the College stated that candidates for entry must not be under 15 nor over 22 years of age , and that preference would be given to those youths who had received the elements of a good education .
11 Because the industry is highly competitive , candidates for employment must have immaculate academic records .
12 In primitive societies , practice for Bourdieu must then primarily be about strategy .
13 Ultimately the strongest driving force for change must be the students and young doctors themselves .
14 But the mining of coastal coral for building must stop or the protection which it gives against waves and flooding will be lost .
15 In order to work successfully the notion of Partnership through Compact must involve all the personnel in the participating organisations including trade unions .
16 As each new period 2 " tR bursts into oscillation , the effective free spectral range of the cavity is halved , because the generalised condition for resonance must be constructive interference after 2 " round trips , since only after 2 " tR do the cavity 's optical properties repeat themselves .
17 The frequency of remarriage after divorce must mean that so-called reconstituted families have become an increasingly significant social phenomenon .
18 Thus , the purview of search must be broad , but — they say — no guidelines exist as to where the search should be focussed .
19 As many have found , often only in retrospect , a good deal of thought must be given to the preparation of data for presentation to the machine .
20 I think the solution is certainly to breed animals in zoos but , if it is done , a great deal of effort must be made to ensure the conditions in which the animals are kept are good , and there are some zoos now which are successful in keeping animals so that their welfare is good .
21 It seemed to Alexei as he considered it that a great deal of effort must be required to sustain such a relationship , and he could not imagine how his father could be bothered with it , or how the women could be content .
22 In 1917 the eugenist and social purist , the Rev. James Marchant confidently pronounced : ‘ It is now being fully recognized that all moral reforms for the regeneration of mankind must be brought about by the combination of religion and science . ’
23 Tutorials are an essential part of ward learning , and they and the other methods of teaching must be drawn together in the formulation of the ward learning programme .
24 Certain methods of construction must be carried out , but this does not mean that the building inspector has full control over the quality of workmanship .
25 For police warrants , normal methods of investigation must have been tried and failed and there must have been good reason to believe that interception would result in a conviction .
26 All losses of cash must be reported to the Police within 24 hours .
27 The speed of descent must have cut down the exposure to any residual gas since he felt none of the earlier weirdness as he approached the still sealed engine room door .
29 The night-time loss of peroxide must be the result of dry deposition to the ocean surface , which is expected of any highly soluble gas .
30 Any loss of cash must be substantiated i.e. proof of the existence of the cash , e.g. cheque stub , bank book , print-out , statement etc .
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