Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] away " in BNC.

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31 After the ultimate collapse of the last-minute French initiative [ see below ] , he made a statement at the request of the Security Council on Jan. 15 , saying : " As … the world stands poised between peace and war , I most sincerely appeal to President Saddam Hussein to turn the course of events away from catastrophe and toward a new era of justice and harmony …
32 If the lithosphere of the back-arc zone has a component of motion away from the volcanic arc relative to the underlying asthenosphere the arc may be split apart .
33 A few hours of relaxation away from the whirl of London for both of them , I suppose .
34 It also contributed to a shift in opinion at the Ministry of Education away from the curtailment or freezing of grant towards modest and flexible expansion — and the Eastern District was able to take advantage of the new grant regulations which followed the Report in 1955 to achieve a level of aid a few percentage points higher than the 75% hitherto regarded as standard .
35 Sinus or supraventriuclar rhythms spent a smaller proportion of time away from the baseline that the sinusoidal rhythms of VT or VF .
36 With rapid and sustained economic growth more capital becomes available to finance investment in labour saving machinery , and higher labour rewards in the advanced sector of industry are thought to encourage the mobility of labour away from the small firm sector .
37 In the sultry haze of late August , the only noises were the cicadas , the splash of the children in the pool and the rumble of thunder away over the Gorges du Verdon .
38 Something that a lot of other open systems vendors propose is a big bang approach to evolving to that type of architecture away from proprietary systems .
39 The degree of dispersion away from these concentrations has been limited by the same forces that have prevented low-income people in general from moving into suburban environments , combined with a desire for being amongst their own people in an essentially alien culture .
40 In fact , it does n't matter how remote , how poor is the resemblance of an insect to a stick , there must be some level of twilight , or some degree of distance away from the eye , or some degree of distraction of the predator 's attention , such that even a very good eye will be fooled by the remote resemblance .
41 I know Mother traded with him from time to time , and once sent a quantity of wool away to another mill and had some back as grey blankets .
42 Madge held the folds of material away as Therese climbed down from the stage .
43 The workmen were ordered to clear the fall of earth away and it was n't long before a human skeleton was discovered .
44 Further assurances were sought , following their meeting on Oct. 10 , by the mayors of Hamburg and Bremen ( states which held stakes in MBB ) and the Minister Presidents of Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony ( as interested parties ) , who were concerned that the merger could lead to a transfer of work away from MBB factories in Hamburg and Bremen to those of Daimler-Benz in southern Germany .
45 ‘ It would be a massacre of the innocent by the ignorant — perhaps the biggest transfer of wealth away from personal ownership that this country has seen , ’ said Mr Major .
46 It is accepted that the corridor effect may well operate in the years immediately after 193 and the current rush of development is , of course , partly designed to offset the loss in employment caused by general economic decline and the likely transfer of business away from the Channel ports to the Tunnel .
47 Parliaments must connect government with the governed , and a significant transfer of power away from national parliaments would represent a weakening of institutions with which people are familiar , and which they can understand , and a strengthening of one which is remote and weak .
48 In the USA and to a limited extent in Britain , the availability of subsidies for nursing home care has encouraged a transfer of patients away from the long-stay institutions , and thus the more advanced pace of rundown in those two countries .
49 I often used to wonder whether we should carry these new springs of happiness away with us when we emerged .
50 The first trend is the movement within the philosophy of religion away from the Cartesian view that if God existed some proof of His existence must be capable of being set out , in the way that Descartes himself attempted to set it out .
51 It should n't be difficult , there 's plenty of farms could do with a bit of help with men away at the war .
52 Written in a very attractive style this little publication is the ideal vehicle to while away a quiet few minutes and , at the same time , does something practical to help with the preservation of steam .
53 Because you do not want a return to destructive two party politics and you do know at first hand that Liberal Democrats do put ‘ people first ’ ; that local income tax is a fair and predictable alternative to the poll tax ; that our stance on Hong Kong is morally right and that we realise the urgency of environmental action with targets for achievement away ahead of the other two parties .
54 However , in recent years the methodological changes outlined in Chapter I have not only reduced the relative amount of work in this field , but also transferred the focus of interest away from the fairly limited concept of land use towards not only the more abstract concept of landscape , but increasingly to behavioural studies of how we value land and landscapes .
55 You can look forward to some sort of land away to quarry gravel for motorways , like someone I can think of a view and , let's face it , the mountain will still be there when you come back .
56 In any communication and Mike used that term and this is what this is about in communication there is a gap it does n't matter whether it 's you know writing a letter making a phone call or just standing this sort of distance away .
57 The move of bushi away from the land into the ‘ castle town ’ of each domain meant substantial concentrations of population .
58 Pull-shifting the bass control emphasises the mid-range , mellowing out the overall tone by automatically moving the centre point of control away from the higher frequencies .
59 Round she went , mouth slightly parted , eyes seeing who knew what in that circle of lights running into a liquid line as the machine quickened ; in the faces , all one blur below her as she was swung out to them and back away from them again ; in the dark caverns of leaves away above in the trees which seemed so distant , so other , lit in strange patches by the wandering spotlights , strange shadows feeling their way over branches as the lighted islands in the gathering dark turned and twirled , swayed , shuddered , slowed and came to rest .
60 Some butterflies and moths have evolved false heads at the rear ends of their bodies , deflecting the attacks of birds away from their vital organs .
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