Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] on [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The disabled this week reacted angrily to a blanket ban on vehicles in part of Darlington town centre .
2 His support for a 15-month blanket ban on strikes suggests that he is still not wholly aware of this fact .
3 In the following exercise you must find what feature or features certain groups of segments have in common ; you will probably find it useful to look at the IPA chart on pp. 40–1 .
4 The first Singapore station , Cluny Road , was a long brick building on stilts to protect it from flooding .
5 The Group noted that M Pullan had already started to provide some elements of user support on databases , documentation and network problems .
6 For example , as we explain in the Case Study on pp. 199–207 , the European Court has condemned rules imposed by a number of member states which required insurance undertakings to do business in those states through persons established in those states .
7 The Commission adopted interim measures for the first time in June 1991 in respect of aids granted to the French betting monopoly in the case referred to in the case study on pp. 238 — 43 .
8 This study , which derives from previous field research on migrants in Europe , compares British and French experience over some 200 years .
9 United had four cleared off the line … hit the bar twice but it took a hand ball and a penalty from Jim Magilton to get them back into the game … with ten minutes to go the Manor was celebrating an equaliser from Joey Beauchamp and surely they could see the second division side off … but after extra time it was still two all and now down to penalties … the crunch came when Chrissy Allen 's kick was saved … and Swansea 's Keith Walker scored to make it five four to the second division side on penalties
10 play football on Sundays and I fence as well , Thursday night .
11 These four limitations of the research literature on mothers ' experiences of poverty — the lack of up-to-date evidence , the lack of data on women , the variability of measures of low income/poverty , and the eclipsing of ‘ race ’ and other dimensions of difference among women — set limits on what is known about mothers in low-income households .
12 Despite the rather weak research literature on differences in behaviours between people from different countries , most of the findings do support popular stereotypes .
13 Organisers of the Selective Silence exhibition claim it is a UN sanctions-busting event , set up in defiance of a Department of Trade and Industry ban on links — including cultural — with Serbia .
14 He spent his Rhodes scholarship money on books , hitchhiking around Britain and trips to London , where he joined anti-war rallies .
15 On behalf of the society I should like to thank all those who contributed to the success of these productions the actors and actresses , backstage staff sound and stage management , props front of house tea , coffee makers programme and raffle ticket sellers thanks also to Adrian who has patrolled the car park on occasions .
16 1 ( a ) From car park on banks of River Wharfe cross bridge at refreshment pavilion and continue straight ahead for 70 yds on other side , avoiding riverside footpath .
17 Moreover , to switch exports from soft sterling markets to hard currency countries would have been largely self-defeating because the former would then seek imports from hard currency areas thus causing a balancing drain on reserves .
18 Time allowance for head and tail wind effect on patterns such as procedure turns and holds
19 In the future there will be even more codes of practice , as the aim of a three year co-operative research programme on odours , undertaken jointly by Warren Spring Laboratory , local authorities and industry , was to investigate each method of odour abatement and periodically issue further codes of practice for guidance to industries with odour problems .
20 What the figures do n't show is the effect of the overall increase in labour turnover on standards : it ca n't have been good , and this helps account for some of the loss of business .
21 City : Brierley quiz on accounts
22 If he 's been used to lads ' nights out each week , and football practice on Sundays , you 're going to have to reach a compromise .
23 The outcome of the judicial review , which is now expected on 24 May , could have major implications for SSDs on account of the present ambiguity surrounding DoH guidance on assessments .
24 To cure this trouble , they began to fit the plough carrier on brackets from the underframe of the car with adjustable bolts to allow for wear of the wheels and keep the plough head at the desired height above the rail .
25 And the Alnico pickup sounds huge , almost like a Stratocaster neck pickup on steroids and three steaks a day .
26 Thus , a government report in 1970 concluded that , for the period 1954–68 , ‘ the underlying upward trend in the percentage of the manual labour force on shifts in manufacturing has been about 1 per cent per annum . ’
27 And one particularly thorough research study on boys growing up in London concluded that if a boy offends , the best way to prevent him from offending repeatedly is not to catch him in the first place ( West , 1992 : 104–11 ) !
28 New programmes for the next three years include a research study on women in the media in some Asian countries , workshops in South Asia for women 's alternative media , and a wider concern for advocacy in women 's media issues .
29 Highland Regional Council 's policy and resources committee nominated four councillors to serve on a special Highland liaison committee on travellers , in spite of strong objections from some members to the committee considering the new-age phenomenon .
30 * Product criteria : UK demand segment for high season air inclusive tour package family holidays : principal benefit sought : sunshine , warmth , comfortable accommodation , relaxed atmosphere ; retail price : ( say ) between £200 to £500 for one or two weeks , per person ; duration : 7,10 or 14 days , with emphasis on departure/ return on Fridays , Saturdays or Sundays ; location and climatic requirements : Mediterranean coast , guaranteed sunshine , warmth ; mode of transport : air charter flights ; mode of accommodation : two , three and four star equivalent hotels or self catering apartments .
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