Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] of [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This set-up needs to be fished with quite a heavy lead of 2 oz plus and a short hook link of between five and seven inches .
2 Occupational safety officials in South Africa have set up a public inquiry to investigate mercury poisoning of at least three employees of a British-owned toxic waste reprocessing plant at Cato Ridge in Natal .
3 Orocaecal transit time was defined as the time between meal intake and initial rise in hydrogen concentration of at least 10 ppm above fasting levels .
4 When his physical rehabilitation could be reduced to a maintenance level of about one session per fortnight , he started to attend the City University where the City Dysphasic Group organized special programmes in communication skills for adults who had suffered head injuries or strokes .
5 In making his diplomatic push , Mr Bush agreed to continue US support for Unita , which has been receiving a covert aid programme of between $40-$50m ( £25-£30m ) a year .
6 Erm we 'll call B the carrier sort of like the go between if you like A , is your say , shop and C is your manufacturer .
7 anyway , one less , there 's a car sort of in front of the ambulance kind of thing
8 And so kept on finding bits of the erm Angora wool sort of in the .
9 I thought it might of been Pat sort of at that time , but erm when I looked out I saw a man with a billboard thing
10 The average recreational sailor owns around three sails , allowing them to sail in a wind band of between force one and five .
11 Two of leading research workers were and , who later collaborated with and me as authors of A Grammar of Contemporary English , ( GCE ) published by Longman in 1972. , a swede , had been a research student of at Durham , and followed him to London .
12 An interview length of between 30 and 45 minutes seems the norm .
13 Sir David is a long term supporter of Save The Children and has sat for many years on the industry and commerce group .
14 The obvious answer would seem to be : through a plurality of parties , so that any government would have to be a coalition representative of at least a significant number of these diverse Interests and groupings .
15 Erm Mr referred to er put great store it seemed to me on the long term effectiveness of of of reducing er building .
16 GROUP managing director , , visited the Winsford mill of in October .
17 Third , all but the smallest local authorities should appoint a management board of between five and nine members .
18 Seal Sands is also an important staging post on the migration route of at least 11 species of waders , including the knot and redshank , which feed on the plants that grow on the marshes .
19 He not only holds the far west living of Queen Thorne — which comprises the Hardyesque village roll-call of Over Compton , Nether Compton , Poyntington , Sandford Orcas and Trent — but farms his own glebe land ( Hereford steers and Texel Cross sheep ) .
20 The prospect of increasing the carrying capacity of under sea fibre optic cables 100-fold is held out by work being done at AT&T Co 's Bell Laboratories .
21 Get a few nibbles sort of like couple of days before like er cos if Kim comes I 'll do like I did last year , just a little buffet tea .
22 right , and right in front of the fire and their two feet sort of on guard sitting , and his down like that .
23 Right , well we want to make sure that you can get out to lunch sort of by , that 's running a bit fast that clock , we 'd like to get you out to lunch by about half past twelve otherwise you 'll end up being late do n't you with all the other people
24 MAPLE LEAF SWAG Patrick Eggle JS Legend There is usually a bonding period of at least a couple of weeks between a player and a new instrument , but this time romance was in the air straight away and … what the hell …
25 For what it is worth , every typist would have to have an error rate of about one in a trillion ; that is , he would have to be accurate enough to make only a single error in typing the Bible 250,000 times at a stretch .
26 A good secretary in real life has an error rate of about one per page .
27 The vast restaurant area allows us a complicated exit choice of at least fifty yards of glass door frontage .
28 Since 1971 Chichester Harbour has been shown to hold an annual winter peak of between 27,000 and 38,000 waders and 8,000 to 13,000 wildfowl .
29 They had sat in the area Wickham thought of as the chapel .
30 With an operating frequency of about 20kHz , the clock circuit gives a delay time from the first tapping of about 10mS .
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