Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] might also " in BNC.

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1 In the subgroup of patients who are treated with two injections daily , adequate gall bladder concentration might also be achieved after dinner .
2 The Child Poverty Action Group might also be seen as an expert and appropriate group to raise social security matters , having been for many years active in campaigning on such matters .
3 However , if car assembly were to end then Dagenham 's wheel plant might also disappear .
4 High scores on the depression scale suggest that treatment other than anxiety management might also be considered .
5 The electors to the philosophy chair might also recall , as symptomatic of his inclinations , that striking formula from his inaugural lecture : " all philological activity should be embraced and defined by a philosophical outlook " .
6 The Infirmary Sub-Committee might also have been commended for their diligence and attention to detail while building was in progress , as the following two consecutive minutes from the House Committee 's meeting in April 1916 show :
7 Provision is made for an extension of service from Telford Randlay to Stafford Park ( now Madeley Junction ) and the Severn Loop line might also utilise the former Severn Valley route through the Gorge with a branch calling at Ironbridge and Jackfield , terminating at Coalport .
8 Group development might also encourage peer assessment which a contractual appraisal scheme is not likely to include .
9 A high grade official might also keep at hand a jade sceptre ( ju-i ) with flattened head and curved handle of a kind used at court and commonly presented by an emperor to persons of distinction , and in addition a hat-stand with carved domed head mounted on a wooden stem and base set with jade .
10 Allan Border might also have few cricket days left , but he and his team can , like Waddy 's , sow much goodwill and good work in an isolated cricket outpost this month .
11 Any decline in water loss might also be partly offset by the resulting increase in atmospheric water vapour pressure deficit .
12 Although chlorobenzoates pose little risk to the environment , this dechlorination magic might also work for other chlorinated compounds : dioxin , hexachlorobenzene , PCB , 2,4,5-T and their irrepressible classmates .
13 Now it seems reasonable to suggest that the competence/performance distinction might also mark the division of responsibility between syllabus and methodology , with the former specifying the knowledge to be acquired and the latter providing conditions for its behavioural realization .
14 Staff already worried by changes in the health service might also be tempted to leave their jobs because of added uncertainty about their futures .
15 The hospital environment might also be conducive to certain forms of suicide [ e.g. a high building ( Salmons 1984 ) , adjacent railway track ( Langley and Bayatti 1984 ) or river ] .
16 A little-known Darlington firm might also have been active in this early phase .
17 In that context the member state might also require a person appointed by the owner or operator of the vessel to be resident in its territory so as to be legally responsible for the operations of that administrative unit .
18 By focusing on the inferencing strategies used to derive satisfactory readings of a text , a coherence analysis might also extend to research in relevance theory , text linguistics and artifical intelligence .
19 Consequently , it was forecast that the prevalence of heroin use might also begin to fall from 1988–9 .
20 In the latter case , the prevalence of heroin use might also remain high if we continue to employ strategies ( e.g. mass-media ‘ fear-arousal ’ campaigns ) for which there is no evidence of effectiveness .
21 Your initial design brief might also allow for the fact that many plastic boxes ( for example ) incorporate mounting bushes in their bases so that the p.c.b .
22 The totem animal could not be killed nor harmed , except when special ritual killings were allowed and the totem animal might also be eaten .
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