Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] who had " in BNC.

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1 Our count of the beltless excludes a man from the agriculture ministry who had an over-the-shoulder belt slung under his arms and a severely disabled man , who we charitably presumed to have one of the few exemptions .
2 It concerned a smuggling gang who had previously used a minibus to bring the drugs from Morocco , but because of increased activity by the Spanish Customs they decided to operate a seaborne campaign using a yacht called Cornish Lady .
3 She was the sexual partner of an intravenous drug user who had HIV-1 infection and AIDS-related complex .
4 Doug Wilson , no doubt , thought Melissa , and young Godfrey Mellish who had been so firmly put in his place by Barney .
5 The Senate ethics committee rebuked Senator Mark Hatfield ( Rep. , Oregon ) on Aug. 12 for " improper conduct " in accepting and failing to disclose gifts and travel expenses from a former university president who had sought Hatfield 's assistance support in gaining a government grant .
6 This was only a temporary setback to the Long March veteran who had survived a number of purges over previous decades when ‘ redness ’ was valued more than ‘ expertise ’ .
7 Later that month , Dr. Harvey Goldsmith who had been appointed medical officer to the Poor Law Institution in 1900 , resigned .
8 The dissident AVC wing , although it had decided to abandon the class struggle , still opposed the AVC majority who had accepted the government 's offer of amnesty and had begun demobilization in February 1989 to join mainstream politics .
9 A radio ham called Tony and an ambulance driver who had just picked up a man with bandaged fingers who was suffering from exposure .
10 One was a 50-year-old woman sitting on a shooting stick who had her spleen ruptured when the bird hit her in the back ; the other was the pregnant wife of Swiss businessman Luc Argand , who was knocked off a wall at the Floors Castle estate near Kelso in the Scottish Borders .
11 Among those covered by the files were Josef Mengele , a former superintendent of the Auschwitz concentration camp who had lived in Buenos Aires from 1959 until his death in 1979 [ see p. 33759 ] ; Josef Schwammberger , extradited in 1990 [ see p. 37899 ] ; and , reportedly , a self-styled " Slovakian National Socialist " , Stefan Polakovic , who was still writing for an Argentinian publication in 1992 .
12 To Abbott and Hornsby were added the names of Captain Lawrence , with whom Wilson had been associated in the formation of the Certificated Officers ' Union , Maurice Darby , the originator of the first Glasgow branch who was alleged to have gone over to the Shipping Federation in 1890 , Robert Pleasance , former secretary of the Tower Hill branch who had been expelled from the union in the same year , and a Thomas Carey , an official of the NSFU discharged for unsatisfactory conduct in 1911 who , Wilson claimed , immediately became involved with the Federation and , while still in its pay , assisted Lewis in setting up the British Seafarers ' Union .
13 They had never met before , but as soon as Duroc was inside the Agency 's inner sanctum , the Chief Op looked up from his blondwood desk , flashed a monied piranha grin , and acted as if his visitor were an old college buddy who had happened to have walked in off the street .
14 Ahmed Ould Daddah , a leading opposition figure who had stood against Ould Taya in the presidential elections , said that the regime was " governing with the support of a fraction of the population , in total isolation " .
15 During the following week over 30 political prisoners were reportedly released , including a number of bodyguards and assistants to Aung San Suu Kyi , the country 's main opposition figure who had been under house arrest since July 1989 .
16 Aung San Suu Kyi , the country 's main opposition figure who had been under house arrest since mid-1989 , was permitted a visit by her husband , Michael Aris , and two sons during May .
17 The chairperson adjusted the microphone The assembly whispered into silence : she welcomed everyone , introduced the people on the stage , including two members of the local Trades Council who had helped sponsor the meetings , and introduced the evening 's main speaker , Lesley Wright .
18 Until recently SRC had been owned and operated by Gerald Bull , a Canadian artillery expert who had close links with the Iraqi regime , being a friend of Brig. -Gen .
19 Our nucleus of myself , Chris and Alex , along with Marius , had been augmented by an Australian martial arts expert who had fled Australia after half-killing a nineteen-stone truck driver in a fight .
20 Miguel Trovoada , an independent opposition leader who had returned from exile to the islands in May 1990 [ see p. 37674 ] , was elected President on March 3 , 1991 .
21 This meant in effect that Aung San Suu Kyi , the country 's main opposition leader who had been under house arrest since July 1989 , was removed as the party 's secretary general .
22 Kim , 65 , was a former opposition leader who had contested the 1987 presidential elections against the country 's current leader , President Roh Tae Woo .
23 A statement issued by the army alleged that those killed were members of a guerilla group who had died during an armed confrontation with soldiers .
24 He hung out with the likes of Lewis Rosentiel , a booze tycoon who had invested in Lansky 's casinos .
25 Two tables to his left I recognized the handsome young Guards major who had just become a father .
26 She did n't think to question the treatment her doctors advocated - as a research biochemist who had worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 10 years , the benefits of modern medicine had been instilled in her .
27 Southey had reached the city shortly before , having walked from Oxford with George Burnett , a Balliol friend who had been persuaded to join the Pantisocrats .
28 The South Carolina election also saw the entry of former Ku Klux Klansman David Duke who had come close to winning the governorship of Louisiana in 1991 .
29 ‘ The notebook had already gone back with another Kazakh climber who had returned early , but I gather that it was written in English .
30 Recent absurdities of the tort litigation system have included the parents ofa teenager who had committed suicide suing the Catholic church because a priest allegedly gave their son poor advice , and a series of bankrupt borrowers suing their banks for lending them too much money .
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