Example sentences of "[noun] [be] not say " in BNC.

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1 But the words were not said as if from the mind of a child but from that of an adult who had experienced many things .
2 To point out that complaining often functions as a self-defence is not to say that the complaint is invalid .
3 Orbitel Mobile Communications Ltd says it is to launch its latest series of Groupe Speciale Mobile phones at CeBit ‘ 93 , in Hannover : improvements to come in with the new 901 series include improved battery life , speedier battery charging , and ‘ added functionality ’ , although Orbitel is not saying yet exactly what it means by this ; the series is to include a combined mobile and transportable phone , providing both in-car and portable functionality , the company says .
4 Freud is not saying that the individual feels the emotion which may underlie religious beliefs and practices , and that this is why they are performed .
5 So Freud is not saying religion is a delusion or an error , he 's saying it 's an illusion , and it 's an illusion because it 's a factual mistake maintained by wish fulfilment .
6 Other countries are not saying , ’ Let us wait and see if convergence happens ; let us wait and see whether performance improves . ’
7 Thames is not saying exactly how much the system will save it , but it will cut electricity bills alone by about £5 million a year and reduce reservoir capacity requirements by a quarter .
8 Perhaps the author is not saying something :
9 Some children never learn it , not because they can not read , but because the books they are given do not include this need to attend to what the author is not saying — the beginning of an experience that leads to Jane Austen .
10 Locke is not saying erm that the purchase of property in the territory of the civil society counts as giving express consent .
11 ‘ The role of SSSI is not to say that the rest of the countryside does n't matter , but show up areas which should be preserved at all costs . ’
12 To say that they have priority is not to say that they have absolute hegemony over all other accounts at all other times , but rather that as a practical technique they are the accounts from which one 's initial hypotheses as to what is happening must be taken .
13 Campbell is not saying that Christ takes our sin upon himself but he identifies so closely with us that it is as if he makes our confession and is thus separated from the presence of God for us .
14 But Mao 's not saying that , Mao 's , Mao 's saying they 're already in a revolution and we 're , we should
15 To say that religious beliefs have infiltrated discussions of scientific method is not to say that they have directly affected scientific practice , for statements about methodology have often been rationalizations , used to justify a research program already in existence .
16 The Government are not saying that now .
17 If this idea is right ( and Dr Underwood is not saying it is ; he simply points out that it is plausible ) then elimination of the crown of thorns could reduce the diversity of the reef .
18 Now , as John Bowker has pointed out in the first article in this series , ‘ to say that God is not affected by His creatures is not to say that He takes no interest in them ’ , nor that , seen from our viewpoint as creatures in time and space , God can not do one thing at one moment and something apparently quite different the next .
19 Everything about the meaning of a word is not said simply by giving a synonym for it .
20 Mary said : ‘ My ultimate concern is not to say anything that will damage Stewart 's career .
21 Police are not saying where they are concentrating their activities but people on Blackbird Leys have mixed views .
22 Asahi is not saying how — or if — it has tackled the problem .
23 ‘ language or conduct is not said to be insulting unless it is intended to show contempt or disesteem , or is understood by the hearer or observer to show this attitude . ’
24 The company is not saying how many job losses are forecast for 1992 .
25 To say that building societies ' deposits come from bank deposits is not saying much of interest , however .
26 Kenya has about one million flamingos living around lakes Nakuru and Bogoria , a major tourist attraction , and the species ' survival is not said to be threatened by the epidemic , which is expected to die down in about a month .
27 To focus on Charlemagne is not to say that any one individual could have Christianized the political order single-handed .
28 The New Statesman was not saying that familial and sexual issues should not be discussed under any circumstances , but that the discussion had gone too far .
29 Premier League and Sky bosses are not saying exactly when it will happen and exactly what form any ‘ pay-by-view ’ scheme will take .
30 Bishop 's not saying anything , and as for Bernice and the Doctor — ’
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