Example sentences of "[noun] [be] that i " in BNC.

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1 But he seemed to think because you 'd had your stroke almost a year ago that I should be over it ; his exact words were that I was looking for sympathy .
2 the the reasoning being that I 've gone into the aspects of erm income support and that and basically i it 's about seventy pound a week to live on .
3 My one real consolation in the face of almost any betrayal or grief is that I am without doubt an extremely talented writer , come danger or candle stump .
4 ‘ It was my idea as much as Jeff 's that I went with him . ’
5 The wood is alder and the deal is that I scaled down the body a little bit .
6 My biggest comment on football is that I do n't like Sunderland … or Gazza ( Gascoigne ) .
7 Further , it makes me angry with myself to find that the perfectly natural and utterly unfair result is that I begin to dislike Paxford , no exercise of the will convincing me that it is not the unfortunate P. who is boring me with his views on everything under the sun .
8 ‘ The end result is that I 've large arrears on the centre 's mortgage , and now the building society is threatening repossession in the new year , unless we can clear the arrears .
9 The result is that I rarely hear students chatting about science — it would simply take too long to formulate a question and answer .
10 So now I know , but the result is that I 've had two years of injury , followed by two years of doing completely the wrong thing . ’
11 Therefore , the result is that I dismiss the claim as against the second defendant .
12 This went smoothly and is a great improvement but in order to create the compressed drive and double the hard disk capacity the SuperStor program took my hard disk ( drive C : ) and seemed to create a compressed drive D : it then swaps drive D and drive C so that the compressed drive is now C : The result is that I seem to be locked out of my old drive D in Rom which has one or two useful bits on — like a hardware check program .
13 My reply is that I have sought to identify some of the congeries of qualities of the legal institution of marriage , not to identify its ‘ essence ’ .
14 The disadvantage of being the Society 's spinster is that I spend all weekend smelling of sheep .
15 ‘ The greatest irony is that I thought he could help me in my research on rape , ’ she says .
16 ‘ The irony is that I did n't realise till Christmas , when I knew I loved you , that it was someone like you I should have been looking for all these years since . ’
17 The thing that 's teasing my mind is that I 'm fairly sure he asked me not to tell anyone he 'd been there . ’
18 If I left a table in Fif 's that I 'd just acquired , I might attract attention .
19 and the biggest tragedy is that I know you know what you want to say
20 My intention is that I should leave at the end of the year .
21 He told TODAY soon after the tragedy : ‘ My only crime is that I fell in love with another girl . ’
22 I have a very vague idea of what this terrible crime is that I 'm trying to get to the bottom of , that you have rats in the basement of your best hotel , or you know , there 's a house falling down somewhere and you 've done absolutely nothing about a closing order , any of these kind of things , but I do n't know a lot about it .
23 My greatest fear - my greatest fear is that I shall find I have to kill him. ,
24 My fear is that I am not likely to serve on the Standing Committee , although I volunteer for such duty if the opportunity be there .
25 One thing , however , that is widely known about my snooker is that I am never more dangerous than when being profoundly humiliated .
26 You can do some of Richard 's that I 'm supposed
27 The only disappointment was that I never did see them feeding , for I could have learned such a lot in those short but interesting hours .
28 When I was , shall we say , inducted into the SS , the deal was that I only operated against the Russians .
29 There was no attempt to persuade and the result was that I blew up .
30 The result was that I chaired a session and I got Pam Mills from the BBC to speak at it and everyone agreed it was one of the best sessions of the conference .
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