Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 Members of academic , research and other government institutions are divided into two separate scientific communities-the natural and social between which there is little effective cooperation and a lot of envy , disdain and competition for scarce resources .
2 Six small rod-like capsules are inserted into a woman 's arm under local anaesthetic .
3 COMIC giants are flooding into Merseyside for this year 's Liverpool Festival of Comedy .
4 The reconstruction of ancient earthquakes requires painstaking research into diaries , histories , chronicles , travellers tales etc ; in this book many of the accounts are collected into a synoptic map for the first time .
5 Accounts are classified into two main divisions .
6 The problem is , when re-organising in terms of place , to make sure that people 's wishes are taken into consideration .
7 However powerful or disruptive other actors become , the theoretical framework is still set by what states decide about guidelines or , in a systems perspective , what states are pressured into deciding by the demands of the system .
8 Since the Board are entering into a Scheme for adult education in co-operation with the LEA in Cambridgeshire much in the same way ( as ) had been done in Bedfordshire it seems as if it might be best for the Board to be recognised as the Responsible Body for this type of course .
9 In collective entrepreneurship , individual skills are integrated into a group ; this collective capacity to innovate becomes something greater than the sum of its parts .
10 Colourful and stimulating illustrations are integrated into the text , helping pupils through non-verbal clues to follow the story .
11 Following the pattern established by other catalogues of the museum , these illustrations are divided into seven chronological sections , each of which is preceded by a detailed biographical record of Matisse 's activity so that his places , projects and patrons can be identified with crisp clarity .
12 Investigations are continuing into the exact cuasee of a crash that turned three husbands into widowers and robbed eight children of their mothers .
13 Elsewhere investigations are continuing into a separate security alert in Gloucester City Centre yesterday .
14 The Russians are marching into Finland .
15 It will be argued that despite the obvious impact of government policy , the way in which policies are converted into practice within the enterprise and the precise form they take are problematic .
16 Women in the trade unions are advising that unless 15 years of trade-union equality policies are negotiated into practice , any market-led advantages are likely to be short-term and easily reversible .
17 Figure 16–3 implies that cutting income tax rates may eliminate some of the deadweight burden of distortionary taxation , but governments should probably expect their tax revenue to decline if such policies are put into effect .
18 As the fuel is burnt-up , nuclei of uranium are converted into plutonium 239 .
19 In libraries serving these or similar groups the use of readability formulas may be considered , in which sentence length and word complexity are taken into account to rate the simplicity of the language used .
20 When a text is analysed , all the words from that text are put into the appropriate sluice .
21 From psychoanalysis , aesthetics and obstetrics to housework , children 's games , munitions factories and pinball machines , images which hold the screen for an instant are woven into a rich critique of production line society ’ .
22 It is important to consider the institutional framework regulating relationships between employer and unions , since this will influence the way in which external political pressures for change are carried into the corporation .
23 The political moment — that period when moral attitudes are transformed into formally political action — can be of key importance in nuancing the regulation of sexuality , and at crucial times a moral schema has been of prime significance in political propaganda .
24 At an early stage in the council 's budget process these issues and preferences are fed into the consideration of next year 's spending plans .
25 On completion of the design activity the geometric entities are re-distributed into selected layers , creating the spatial sub-file , and the work layers destroyed before filing finally takes place .
26 New projects are beginning into the industrial steam coal market ( G MacKerron ) , power station fuels ( S Thomas ) , policy options for reducing acid rain ( J Skea ) and a review of trends in energy demand ( J Chesshire and J Surrey ) .
27 A very wide variety of cases are received into care under this section .
28 All the marks they have made on scripts are categorised into these groups .
29 On 2 February 1989 Jones sent in to the APS an abstract of his intended talk which stated in part ‘ We have accumulated considerable evidence for a new form of cold nuclear fusion which occurs when hydrogen isotopes are loaded into various materials , notably crystalline solids ( without muons ) ’ ( my italics ) .
30 Their attitudes to teaching and their conceptions of the effects of classroom activities are taken into account .
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