Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] has at " in BNC.

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1 Among names that immediately spring to mind are those of Sydney Schanberg , the former New York Times correspondent who was in Phnom Penh at the time of the fall , and whose subsequent search for his Cambodian assistant , Dith Pran , was documented in Roland Joffé 's film The Killing Fields , who arrived in Indo- China at the age of 21 and was there from 1970 to mid-1975 , first with Agence France Presse , then as a stringer for The Sunday Times — when all the other journalists were getting out , Swain was either brave or foolhardy enough to fly back into Phnom Penh in time for its fall ; William Shawcross who , along with many others , covered the Vietnam war for The Sunday Times and who subsequently became obsessed with the fate of Cambodia , an obsession that resulted first in Sideshow , which exposed the role of Nixon and Kissinger , and then in The Quality of Mercy , a study of the work of the Red Cross in Cambodia ; John Pilger , the British-based Australian journalist whose work on Cambodia may have had little concrete effect but has at least helped to ensure that the tragic country will never disappear into oblivion ; Philip Caputo , who went initially to Vietnam in March 1965 as a 23-year-old Marine officer with the first US combat group sent to Indo-China and returned in 1975 as a correspondent to report on what was left of the war .
2 In very recent years holy war has been fought between Iran and Iraq , and with a ruthlessness that has at times , with the use of chemical weapons for example , offended international codes of conduct .
3 If you are going to be lightly humorous , skimming like a butterfly , then you will be ill served by a plot that is impossibly ingenious or a plot that has at its centre something too grave to be dealt with light-heartedly when , long after you have embarked on the actual writing , the moment comes to reveal all .
4 Douglas Hurd has proved a reassuring figure in a campaign that has at times seemed to lack confidence and direction .
5 The Royal Commissions and official committees of inquiry have maintained a reticence on such matters that has at times made their recommendations Appear naïve — as if one could consider the reorganisation of Political institutions in isolation from politics !
6 Avoid scanning photographs if at all possible but if you must then use a scanner that has at least 64 levels of grey and is capable of outputting TIFF format files .
7 ‘ The recognizable direction of social development ’ , she concluded , ‘ has made it clear to me that there is no social class in Poland that has at one and the same time both an interest in , and an ability to achieve , the restoration of Poland ’ .
8 Each is steeped in interesting history and has at least one claim to national fame .
9 He appoints and dismisses government ministers and has at his disposal a wide selection of public appointments , honours , etc .
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