Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] have never " in BNC.

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1 The monoplacophorans really reached their acme in the Cambrian , with curious forms having shapes that have never been paralleled in other molluscs ( Yochelcionella ) .
2 I justify myself on the grounds that I do n't indulge in idle gossip and have never sought to aggrandise myself or to do harm to others .
3 Young people three , four years out of college and have never had a job .
4 It is quite likely that you not only have no experience of regression therapy but have never even been hypnotized before .
5 Now you can watch the seasons changed in The Flower Fairies Year , a brand new collection of twelve porcelain plates featuring Flower Fairies that have never before appeared on plates .
6 Would my honourable friend be able to explain why it was that in the run up to negotiations with respect to the question of increase in the number of seats er , the German government made it quite clear that they were not interested or did n't want to have the additional number of seats and then subsequently , for reasons that have never been fully explained , we then found that er they had an additional eighteen .
7 The strength of any particular syllable can be measured by counting up the number of times an s symbol occurs above it ; the levels in the sentence shown above can be diagrammed like this ( leaving out syllables that have never received stress at any level ) :
8 ‘ And then , ’ he added , whispering and grinning , ‘ if that ever was to happen — which it wo n't — the birds that have never been caged would kill 'em . ’
9 Every year companies that have never been involved in selling abroad join the important , and often highly profitable , league of exporters or licensors and some even establish joint ventures or subsidiary companies in overseas countries .
10 But perhaps someone from Midland can explain how they hope to attract accounts from youngsters in their first jobs who have not passed their driving test and have never had a passport .
11 Mr Elliot Bernerd , head of Chesfield commented , ‘ We are one of a group of shareholders and have never agreed to make capital available over a period of years .
12 Women participate in the national liberation struggle and have never considered they should be struggling to liberate themselves from men .
13 Lizzie says : ‘ I have 20 years ’ experience and have never had a single complaint . ’
14 Recent cases have explored the extension of industrial building relief to some categories of buildings that have never been occupied but which were clearly capable of industrial use .
15 In fact people who have never even heard of contraception and have never stepped inside a family planning clinic still plan their families .
16 Most ordinary shareholders have never had a total remuneration package and have never been part of a performance-related bonus scheme .
17 I have had only the highest regard for Amnesty and have never written to you like this before .
18 I have carried my own personal tapes and cassettes in NO SMOKING carriages for nearly 20 years and have never had a problem .
19 I 've been in the game for eight years and have never tasted such a chilling fear .
20 We have paid home insurance for the last 25 years and have never made a claim .
21 I only did this because I know the outlet where I purchased the fish from has its own excellent quarantine facilities and I have used this shop for over 10 years and have never had any trouble with fish purchased from there .
22 Even one would be good enough for there are riders who have been racing for years and have never gone well here . ’
23 Some people have been in hospital for 34 years and have never had their independence .
24 The Wolfies have been around for almost ten years but have never made any major dents on the charts .
25 It makes no more sense to talk about solutions without being absolutely clear about what problems they solve , than it does to talk about excellent answers to questions that have never been posed .
26 Through it we can challenge the status quo , raise the possibility of social change , imagine things that have never existed before , social arrangements that have never been tried .
27 If the property has been lived in for a long time with old carpets that have never been shampooed they can exude quite pungent odours .
28 In a country without a written constitution , the work of Bagehot , Dicey , and Jennings , has actually been the written codification of the customs , conventions , precedents , and traditions that have never been simply set down in single , legal document .
29 I am not a city person and have never lived in a city in my life I represent a rural area , a hunting area , a hunting area erm I believe the terrier men from the some of them live in my area .
30 Perhaps , among the 75 per cent who may have heard of the CAB but have never sought assistance , there are many who would come to a bureau if they could .
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