Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] had [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As I have said before , the intellectual aristocracy of B.P. , who lived near the Park or had private transport , were able to take part in many home-made activities , such as the pleasure of organising and playing in small domestic chamber concerts , or chess , bridge , tennis , dancing , and amateur dramatics .
2 He had once said that he did n't know whether his passion for water-power was a result of meanness or had some deeper Freudian significance .
3 They asked : were there really no girls in youth cultures and street gangs or had sociological accounts made them invisible ?
4 There have been many Western and Soviet studies of religious belief per se , and of the interaction in Soviet history between an atheist regime and a highly religious peasantry , but scant reference is made to socio-economic views and actions derived from religion that had ultimate political repercussions .
5 After 113 minutes of attacking football that had Second Division Swindon reeling from the start , Third Division Bolton finally took the lead through Brown .
6 this water was full of waves — small ones from the stiff breeze that destroyed the reflections , larger waves that had recognisable reflections in each of their troughs .
7 In fact the darkness , the whispers , the creaking floorboards , the footsteps and the thought of a stalking murderer had had their usual effect on her : a state of fear that had little to do with pleasure .
8 I 've noted there that , that if you were to bid for funds that had tapering attaching to them , and therefore you would be picking up increased costs in ninety five , six , and ninety six , seven , that they would n't exceed the figure shown at the bottom of the page .
9 It was not the kindness that had first struck Dinah Asshe , but a young man 's interest in herself ; she had not been permitted to meet many young men .
10 While artisans certainly had better opportunities than had most of the lower orders , it is probably unwise to insist that a very wide behavioural gap separated them from the " crowd " , at least until the last years of the eighteenth century .
11 It was Miss Hazelwood that had first told her about her Guardian Angel .
12 Now the side that had more failures ( or more was the side that lost , and the row that had less , of course , was the one that was successful .
13 He planted trees in carefully placed clumps and had two huge lakes created near the palace .
14 The answer is that even if everyone playing cards always had a certain sort of feeling when they trumped an opponent 's card and had another , different , feeling when they revoked , it would still be the case that to understand what it is to trump , and to revoke , we would have to look at the game itself , that is , at the use of trump-cards in the game .
15 In the period after 1945 the Liberals were at a very low ebb and had significant support only in rural areas of Scotland , Wales and South-West England where industrial development was largely absent and so there was little trade union activity .
16 She wore spectacles and had fine auburn hair that was swept back untidily into a bun .
17 One hundred and sixty patients were entered into the programme and had 739 colonoscopies ( 4.6 colonoscopies per patient ; 709 patient years follow up ) .
18 One hundred and sixty patients entered the surveillance programme and had 739 colonoscopies ( 4.6 colonoscopy/patient ; 709 years follow up ) .
19 We know what happened : Enya was very quickly to attract the attention of David Puttman and had two successful soundtrack recordings for the BBC , ‘ The Frog Prince ’ and ‘ The Celts ’ .
20 ‘ I was working in the BBC pensions department and had short-lived aspirations of getting into TV .
21 He had the same qualifications as me but he was from a different department and had less experience .
22 These might be wild animals who possessed particular strengths and had little contact with man , like a lion , jackal , hawk and crocodile , or might be animals whose usefulness placed them in a special relationship with man , like the crow , ram and cat .
23 The strongest motivation for inscribing multilateralism in the new world order came from the United States and had definite implications for the UK .
24 He was meticulous in his use of words and had little patience with careless speech or syntax .
25 In one series only one third of patients complaining of heartburn or regurgitation two years after fundoplication and had abnormal 24 hour pH score .
26 The majority of these companies were directly involved with the emerging oil industry and had strong American connections .
27 They soon learned that an internally consistent paper with logical relationships to what had gone before stood a better chance of acceptance than something which was right but new : civil servants after all knew little about the industry and had little basis on which to judge proposals except consistency with what had gone before .
28 He did not mix with the crowd at the Rotonde and had little sympathy with the wild scenes of the moderns .
29 Ms Claire Norminton , who will manage the organisation , said last night Tees Valley Tourism had brought £379,000 of business into the area in the last six months and had 5,000 interested holiday contacts on its data base .
30 Claire Norminton , who will manage the organisation , said last night Tees Valley Tourism had brought £379,000 of business into the area in the last six months and had 5,000 interested holiday contacts on its data base .
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