Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] of all " in BNC.

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1 I thought of Angela Brickell and of all the afternoons Perkin had spent alone in the house .
2 Hence , the abolition of the state , of representative institutions , of parties and of all loyalties which derive from acts of political will and reason rather than natural kinship .
3 It requires a continuous examination of each and every department and of all the functions of Government .
4 Secondly , there is the problem of bias — in that those crimes and offenders included in the statistics might not be a representative picture of all crime and of all offenders .
5 No sooner was Peter Galassi appointed to the post of Director of Photography at the Museum of Modern Art than he began a systematic rummaging through the holdings not only of the photography department but of all the other departments of the museum as well .
6 The title of the Department reflects the University 's belief that higher education is not the prerogative of the undergraduate but of all who retain an interest in learning , whether at a highly professional or purely recreational level .
7 I have n't actually managed to make it yet this term because of all the teaching preparation I 've been doing , but erm I 've done that for the last two years and erm it 's been quite an important activity because it enabled me , after I came back down to Lewes , to help to get to know a few people in the university and to sort of expand my contacts , and the Meeting House is one of those places which is open to the general public on Sundays for religious worship .
8 I had n't actually managed to make it yet this term because of all the teaching preparation I 've been doing but erm I 've done that for the last two years and erm it 's been quite an important activity because it enabled me , after I came back down to Lewes , to help to get to know a few people in the University and to sort of expand my contacts .
9 the bankruptcy of some person who is or may become beneficially entitled to any such property or income ; or 2. an assignment of or a charge on any such property or income being made or given by some such person ; or 3. in the case of a marriage settlement , the death of both parties to the marriage and of all or any of the children of the marriage ; or 4. the death under the age of 25 or some lower age of some person who would be beneficially entitled to that property or income on attaining that age .
10 2 ) Excision which involves the cutting of the clitoris and of all or part of the smaller lips ( labia minora ) 3 ) Infibulation which involves the cutting of the smaller lips of the clitoris , at least the anterior two thirds of the inside part of the larger lips ( labia majora ) and the stitching together of the two sides of the vulva .
11 It is the creation of a ‘ standard ’ enshrined in a ‘ god ’ that can be accepted by people from all countries and of all races that is utterly vital .
12 and obviously she 's had a lot of bad experiences we ca n't go into now , but people , people do n't trust the drug companies because of all this long history and experiences .
13 Power is , on the contrary , omnipresent , it is the intangible but forceful reality of social existence and of all social relations .
14 All that has been written above about the identification of the goodness of Christ 's teachings with the objectives of the creation of the Created God , can be applied equally to the teachings of the outstanding figures of all religions and of all religious history .
15 Gazing straight ahead , only half-aware of a world outside the claustrophobic comfort of the car , of Massingham 's hands stroking the wheel , the almost soundless changing of the gears , the pattern of traffic lights , he deliberately let his mind slip free of the present and of all the conjecture about what lay ahead , and remembered , by an exercise of mental recall , as if something important depended on his getting it right , every moment of that last meeting with the dead man .
16 With all his elaborate political machinery — his control of all the tradesmen in the town and of all the town 's six advowsons , his ownership of some two hundred houses each carrying a vote , his absolute control of the Mayor , the corporation and all the corporation offices — the Marquess of Exeter could not be absolutely certain that the remaining voters would not one day oust his candidates .
17 The benefits of stretching for people from all sports and of all ages can not be overemphasised .
18 I 've been particularly impressed today to learn how people come here every year , particularly for this meeting and of all the various ways in which money can be raised .
19 Mercury was believed to possess magical properties and some regarded it as the quintessence of the human body and of all substances .
20 To Christians of all generations for two thousand years and of all nations and races , this is the supreme reality .
21 When one thinks of all the PM 's work these last four and a half years and of all he is and stands for , and that this is the response it gets , it makes one lose faith a bit .
22 There are several kinds but of all have nodding flowers with turned-back petals
23 All the youths seemed interested , so I told them stories of Black Magic in Sussex , a county particularly afflicted by Satan because of all the artistic people who live there , running craft shops or theatrical costumiers .
24 Graham was adamant he would never take the England captain 's job because of all the hassles involved .
25 then down the wind came the boom of the great stanchion-gun ; and after that sound another sound , louder as it neared ; a cry as of all the bells of Cambridge , and all the hounds of Cottesmore ; and overhead rushed and whirled the skein of terrified wild-fowl , screaming , piping , clacking , croaking , filling the air with the hoarse rattle of their wings , while clear above all sounded the wild whistle of the curlew , and the trumpet note of the great wild swan .
26 Now this can become an increasingly important factor because of all the activity holidays around today .
27 Windows also puts heavy demands on the video and the processor because of all those complex screen redraws .
28 Windows also puts heavy demands on the video and the processor because of all those complex screen redraws .
29 Palma , the capital of Majorca and of all the Balearic islands is a bustling and cosmopolitan city .
30 As things are , the army must inevitably consist of the scum of the people and of all those for whom society has no use . ’
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