Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] can [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 decide whether or not they really need to be on that site for fourteen hours or can they do what they need to do in four ?
2 The absence of guys with the authority to tell people to either go-ahead with their plans or can them means nothing much is getting approved .
3 Do you want the money or can I pay you later ?
4 Microcomputers can not store as much data as the larger computers nor can they process it as quickly .
5 Emphasis upon the link between evaluation and change draws attention to the often neglected fact that evaluation evidence can not determine system goals nor can it indicate whether system goals are being optimally achieved unless the goals are clearly specified .
6 In no manner does the birth of this child put the other out of my mind nor can I accept he is a substitute but rather a reminder as if God wished to show me what I have lost and reprimand me for my carelessness .
7 I was gon na ask Sue if can I
8 The only doubts maybe ( or rather unproven areas ) are in the financial aspects and can he spot talent ?
9 Theresa I 'm going to have to stop you and I 'm going to have stop you as well Sue and can I say that we 're going to need to wait and see what the Prime Minister has to say .
10 Mr Mr Allenby , I I know you 've made a submission but can we just clarify what provision is being made in Harrogate District which can be seen quite rightly as forming pa a contribution towards the Greater York ?
11 As I hope to demonstrate , while a familiarity with research findings may provide important new insights they can not substitute for sound professional judgement nor can they solve some of the inherent tensions and ethical dilemmas inherent in this area of work .
12 Are you ashamed of your feet or can you bare them with pride ?
13 and ask for any help in doing his car do n't go to work or can he borrow this , just say no I 'm sorry you could n't help us and I 'm your sister so now I ca n't
14 He considered the focus of the controversy to be the juridical effects of a stipulation made in favour of a third party , which he deconstructed into three questions : can a third party claim directly any such benefit or can it only be claimed through the auspices of a State party ; may the parties to the agreement amend or abolish the stipulation without the consent of the third party ; and need the third party accept the stipulation in order to be vested with the benefit in question ? 120
15 North Yorkshire in the P P G. And can I put for erm in the P P G. Could I put forward a scenario to you , which I have n't really thought through .
16 and if he wants to send them as one consignment , but now the value is twenty five thousand pounds collectively you can ring up Stubbings and as , or get your F and A to do this for you , Finance and Admin , ring up Stubbings and can you give me a special rate for these goods and ar , can you give me what I can charge them for special coverage to take it higher than our normal coverage of fifteen thousand pound ?
17 For a resident , little things become so big when your whole life can revolve round what 's for lunch and can you sit in your usual place or has someone pinched it ?
18 I appreciate your concerns but can we take the recommendation on the fourth and fifth pages of the report .
19 So once you know what it means it helps a little bit and can you think of a word that ends the same as that ?
20 How have you been justifying your existence in the last twenty-four hours and can you name the guilty man ? ’
21 I did well , I had hundred pound in me purse last night till Steve says can I have me pocket money and can I have me petrol and can I have this and I paid for coal and I 've got forty .
22 Clearly the minister 's response is inefficient , it 's it 's quite inadequate and what is required is a much more positive stance from the minister , and can the minister tell us whether or not he will be , he will be giving the opportunity to mature entrants to the apprenticeship scheme so that people that have been thrown on the scrap heap over this last fifteen years will have an opportunity and can he tell us whether or not he 's had discussions with British Coal enterprise to allow miners that have been made redundant to come into the new apprenticeship scheme so that they will have new skills which will help them to get new jobs .
23 So wo n't this information be on SIMS and can it ju not just be transferred ?
24 It was for war charities but can you imagine anything more barbarous ? ’
25 Can I just say colleagues before you , you second the motion , there is this hubbub again that 's growing , I mean it seems to go down and I do n't know perhaps it 's like the tide but can we try and keep it a bit lower , especially when colleagues are trying to make a speech from the rostrum .
26 something to be dropped on from a great height as frequently as possible er particularly if it 's the G L C. In the United States , however much the federal government is irritated by the state government , it can not attack its constitutional powers nor can it undermine its financial base so that 's a different relationship , it 's a relationship based , not on dominance , but on partnership and there has to be an understanding , a trade off between federal and er a and state government .
27 I know they do n't have to go and say , ee can I afford that this week or can I
28 Is leadership a natural quality or can it be learned ?
29 2 Is the product or sample small enough to slip between the pages of the magazine or can it easily be attached to the front cover ?
30 get back with sugar or can you nip up to shop and get some sugar ?
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