Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] say [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Then he got out of the car and said something to me .
2 If he attempts to talk to you , you will flick him a haughty glance and say nothing .
3 As you get older and you get more experienced of it you know you y you begin to realize that , I mean this album , I 've done this album and I haven , I 've have n't just sung on this album and made sounds , which is what I did with What Do You Want , I 've sung on this album and said something .
4 Adam shrugged his shoulders and said nothing .
5 Lying back on her pillows , Elinor slowly shook her head from side to side but said nothing .
6 Loopy Lil beamed with pleasure but said nothing as she watched Mrs Hollidaye fill her bowl to the brim .
7 With what I swear was a scathing look that said something like " Wally " , he launched himself gracefully on to the air and noiselessly flew down the gill out of sight .
8 Ianthe bent her head over her work and said nothing .
9 Sure enough , Jo leaned over to the driver 's window and said something to someone before she ran up the steps to the house .
10 He won every regional heat when he lived in the South and says lots of familiar faces reappear in the competition each year .
11 Turning to me suddenly , he pointed through the windscreen and said something in a tongue I did n't understand .
12 HOOBERMAN is appalled by such an attitude and says something must be done to stop the ‘ sanitisation ’ of literature .
13 Overcome with shyness , she looked down at her feet , twisted the hem of her much-washed pale blue smock and said nothing .
14 So the easiest thing is just ask a question and say nothing , wait for the answer and then respond appropriately .
15 But if somebody answered the question and say something else .
16 The magician turned , stared at the cat and said something in a strange language .
17 He got on a bus and handed some money to the driver and said something I could n't hear , then disappeared upstairs .
18 Lindsey looked at nicotine-stained fingers and said nothing .
19 Because this is what he always felt after his father died — that if he could just speak to him now , he could really open his heart and say everything , without feeling that strange mute on his vocal chords .
20 And you can not make qualitative prejudicial judgments and say one is better than the other .
21 He set his teeth and said nothing , but his eyes were eloquent .
22 Sits in his armchair for hours and says nothing .
23 At one point , early on , this kid was counting out money and saying something like , you have n't got a choice there and if you do n't like it you can shop around , when we said , in a voice I 'd never heard before , a voice that no longer pretended to be nice , a voice that expressed all the effort of pretending to be so nice for so long .
24 What I want is she should n't shrink in her skin and say nothing .
25 He sank it and turned to me with a real glint in his eye and said something like , ‘ Now let's go . ’
26 Offering the meagre purse of local gossip , news from Buttermere , Nicholson spoke about Mr Skelton 's plans for building a large stone manor house in the area ; dwelt longingly on the prospect of Miss Skelton and said something about the wrestling which included a mention of Mary of Buttermere and a young man from the north of the county walking thirty or forty miles just to see her and make his feelings known to her .
27 And , but he did n't sort of point and say anything .
28 Anna looked at Stephen and said nothing .
29 Frederica drank a lot of wine and said nothing , but watched everyone in turn , charged with unsatisfied curiosity as they lay and lazily tossed ideas between them .
30 Luce took another sip of the crisp , dry wine and said nothing .
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