Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] see her " in BNC.

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1 Stanley sees through her facade and sees her as a threat to his marriage , and his affection for Stella .
2 Then I looked out of the window and saw her with Tony Duncan .
3 Turning and seeing her , he affirms her deed as an act of faith : ‘ Daughter , your faith has made you well ; go in peace and be healed of your disease . ’
4 Eddie Gilfoyle allegedly said that mum-to-be Paula was leaving him but his workmates were still able to speak to her at home and see her in the area .
5 She had not seen Luke since he had escorted her out of his hotel suite and seen her into a taxi on the night of the awards ceremony , more than a week previously .
6 Alice walked to the door of the kitchen and saw her sitting there , wooden and silent , two spots of colour high up on her cheeks .
7 Christie was to be married at Easter , but Ann planned to go over in late February to help with the wedding preparations and also , to take Sarah and see her settled in before she started her job .
8 Marcus turned at that moment and saw her .
9 Billy came back just before I sold the house in Dwyer Street and saw her when she was a baby .
10 Jason was jealous of her ability to come up with consistently good ideas and saw her as a threat to his career .
11 ‘ Granny came up one day and saw her , and she said , ‘ You ca n't go on like this : I 'm taking the boy back with me . ’
12 I saw her twice between that Friday in Bamford and seeing her silhouetted on the blind on Christmas Day . ’
13 We went over Sunday and see her .
14 ‘ Of course , ’ she replied smilingly , and did n't need him to wait with her by the lift or to see her safely inside .
15 Her denials were useless because he said he had returned to Kington Square early that morning and seen her coming out of the flat arm in arm with a man .
16 Miss Monroe could come down in the morning and see her then .
17 LAURA DAVIES breezed through her jet-lag yesterday in the same spirit that saw her through her liver and bowel transplant .
18 But the image of Dinah would not leave him , and was strengthened by the times he visited the theatre and saw her in the flesh .
19 With swift steps he crossed to the glazed door and saw her crouched before a flowerbed , apparently engrossed in the task of tugging weeds from between the flowering rose bushes .
20 Hilary Robarts said impatiently : ‘ But the body , when you first went back for the torch and saw her , you were certain she was dead ? ’
21 He had kissed her goodbye and seen her on to her flight .
22 And I understood from the hospital where Mrs Ross has been a patient that before she was admitted enquiries were made and you wrote back — supposedly in your wife 's absence — saying you had no idea where your wife was and you did not want to hear about her mother or to see her . ’
23 I turned to look at her face and saw her smiling .
24 I had a split second of panic when I came into the office and saw her sitting quietly behind her desk , studying her image in her hand-mirror and conscientiously patting a stray red-gold hair into place .
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