Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] also have " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the elements of a Type II system identified above , the provisions for cost-per-case contracts may also have Type II elements ( DoH , 1989c ) .
2 The reliance on government contracts may also have contributed directly to the decline in competitive potential of the American economy .
3 Clients ' attitudes may also have a bearing on which alternative is chosen .
4 The aim of the measure may also have been financial , because the Crown was empowered to distrain for half of the profits resulting from the enclosure ; it was not , however , an easy way to raise money , so it is unlikely to have been the only reason for the Act .
5 The choice of contract may also have a significant effect on the ability of the client to control costs. , If there is a firm , fixed design which is let on a fixed price basis , the primary responsibility for control of construction costs is given to the contractor .
6 The courts may also have been influenced by the rising premiums which had to be paid by anyone involved in the construction of buildings .
7 These results lend support to the idea that tenascin alternative splice forms may also have functional significance at the protein level .
8 Upon consideration of the hypothesis that bile constituents and their intracolonic degradation products influence colon carcinogenesis , it has been proposed that subjects with a metabolic predisposition towards lowered serum cholesterol may also have an increased secretion of bile and hence an increased risk of developing colorectal carcinoma .
9 Such a change may also have social implications , the rise of individuals having the wherewithal to employ a craftsman , who then benefited from the arrangement personally and who could distribute the products to the surrounding region .
10 Therefore , both the extent and the functions of green belts may be expected to change in the near future , and this change may also have social implications .
11 Some of the radioactive krypton isotopes with half-lives of a few hours may also have been released ( US NUREG-0558 , 1979 ) .
12 Exposure to teaching by other staff might also increase motivation in those nurses who do not themselves normally participate in teaching , and such improvements may also have financial benefits in the longer term through overall increases in efficiency .
13 The BBC local radio stations and the independent ions may also have their own newsrooms and broad-their own local news programmes in addition to the national news .
14 Any bilateral conflict about different perceptions of an appropriate or just distribution of values may also have a wider impact .
15 The two groups may also have very different sets of values , and this is well illustrated by Forsythe 's ( 1980 ) study of the Orkney community of Stormay ( a pseudonym ) .
16 Previous generations may also have felt a passing pang of regret as they allowed the younger generation to take their place , but they were not subjected to the pressure to stay young which affects men and women of forty or fifty today .
17 In these circumstances those of us who have benefited from the excellence of Somerville and Oxford must surely do what we can to ensure that future generations may also have the opportunity to benefit from the privileged education that we enjoyed .
18 With Great Britain coach Mal Reilly again likely to pick Gary Connolly and Alan Hunte for his side , St Helens may also have to switch their fixture with Sheffield Eagles at Knowsley Road with Jonathan Griffiths and Anthony Sullivan in the Welsh squad .
19 A good response to training was associated with improved squeeze duration in our patients , but increased conidence in mastering anorectal function may also have been of some benefit .
20 Similar selective pressures associated with foods from the second trophic level may also have been of importance in the later development of the hominids themselves
21 Thus , while all the usual contractual rules about offer and acceptance , consideration , intention to create legal relations , illegality , mistake , misrepresentation , repudiation , breach , discharge and so forth are relevant to understanding the contractual context of the reference to the expert , those rules may also have a direct bearing on whether a decision of an expert can be enforced .
22 The curriculum should also have in mind education in a European context , with reference both to the position of English as an international language , and to increasing labour mobility and inter-cultural contact within the European community , especially after 1992 .
23 Roads must also have led eastwards and westwards , the latter at least with offshoots serving an extensive suburb south of the river .
24 ( m ) The question of reliance It is not enough that the seller knows of the particular purpose of the goods sold , the buyer must also have relied upon the credit-broker or seller 's skill and judgment at the date of the contract .
25 Now , as a further requirement , employers must also have a common pension age and pension schemes must ( with effect from 1990 ) offer the same benefits to their male and female members .
26 But a substantial part must also have resulted from the new investment overseas which was now being wholly financed by borrowing overseas at a very low real rate of interest .
27 Thus , in 1614 James I , believing that he was making presents more valuable than his ambassadors at foreign courts were receiving , ordered that in future the French and Spanish resident ambassadors , who had hitherto been given 4,000 ounces of plate on their departure , should in future receive only half as much and that the representatives of lesser states should also have their customary allowance cut by half .
28 That the ministry should also have cheated egg producers out of their compensation is a matter over which Mr Gummer should resign . ’
29 But what is important here is that , just as present-day language states are normally heterogeneous , so historical language states must also have been heterogeneous in similar ways ; hence , unilinear historical descriptions of single varieties ( such as ‘ standard ’ English ) can not be adequate descriptions of the history of a language .
30 The cranes may also have suffered from Bharatpur 's environmental problems .
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