Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] n't [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Oh well cos she should really she should go four hours should n't she , she 's got good jollop well she
2 And finally , was she perhaps being judged by the inherent quality of the coat-hanger itself out of which her creation was made ; and if so why should she be judged by the quality of the coat-hangers on which garments are returned by the laundry her parents patronize — since that 's their responsibility should n't they share her grade ?
3 He should , sort of , honour her wishes should n't he ?
4 They must be going absolutely mad about East Germany must n't they ?
5 Well got double frequencies should n't you ?
6 so we should see some milk should n't we ?
7 you should get a big grant should n't you , cos erm
8 You were happy for me when I changed my religion should n't we be happy for Rosie ? ’
9 Should be able to set the telly should n't you ?
10 I should have got that on tape should n't I ?
11 I should , I , I should have Steven should n't I ?
12 Th they should reflect the best practice should n't they ?
13 He may even change his mind might n't he ?
14 Might as well go in behind if there 's football might n't I ?
15 We may as well get cracking with research might n't we ?
16 sell it to Richard could n't you ?
17 He could wait six months could n't he ?
18 Get in the dust busters could n't you for this one !
19 Well we could do with some lollipops could n't we ?
20 then you could play , you cold splash could n't you ?
21 Well well I suppose we could do the card could n't we ?
22 What 's he travelling all that way for that , he could of gone to Doddington market , get the same effect could n't ya ?
23 We could do him a deal could n't we with all , all Toshiba I 'd say how much Toshibas .
24 You can imagine these lads ca n't you all giggling together at the back
25 Speaking of Deano — everyone I talked felt that as we had paid £2.7 million for a centre forward would n't it be nice if hung around near the goal or in the box for that matter instead of running all over the show and when we finally get the ball in the box there 's nobody there .
26 Two square to get erm to go up in hundreds for two squares you 'd want erm fifty squares would n't you .
27 And then you 'd need a credit card would n't you Gary ?
28 Then you can pay my car ca n't you ?
29 It wo must have been I mean that was if you to get completely new clothes every time , that would have been an amazing expense would n't it .
30 You can see the darker red blobs ca n't you where the , where the water 's gone
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