Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is so even if the alternative job offered involves a change in your terms of contract or is with an associated employer , such as another company which is controlled , in terms of shareholders ' voting power , by the same person or people who control the company that you work for .
2 Section 12(3) applies to a contract where it appears from the contract or is to be inferred from the circumstances that the parties intended that the seller should transfer only a limited title ( whether it be the limited title of the seller himself or of some third person from whom the seller would obtain it ) .
3 It needs to be emphasised that in marking intonation , only stressed syllables are marked ; this implies that intonation is carried entirely by the stressed syllables of a tone-unit and that the pitch of unstressed syllables is either predictable from that of stressed syllables or is of so little importance that it is not worth marking .
4 Similarly it can be argued that if home helps or social workers request training from the CAB in aspects of new legislation , this can cement a positive relationship between the CAB and the local authority who will then see a service in action that is worth funding .
5 A B Kay is entirely correct when advocating that the medical establishment is obligated to take action that is in the best interest of the general public .
6 For the conditions described in this book it is the selection of the remedy that is of far greater importance than the specific potency used .
7 Intersection regions between boxes are flagged to allow the designer to indicate the type of association that is to be expected ; these will occur between mounted or shaped components , assembled mechanism , etc .
8 However , erm the area concerned basically is the entire segment of the ring that is within Harrogate district .
9 However , the emotion that is of the greatest importance from our point of view , in its effect on the domestic horse , is that of anxiety .
10 However , there is one emotion that is above all the others .
11 That is a result that is in the history books now .
12 The Basqueness that is in abeyance in Biarritz returns in full as you drive south from there towards the frontier .
13 The attainment of the happy state of Utopia requires vastly more personal discipline and co-operation between peoples than is to be found in this late twentieth-century .
14 Moreover , the electorate often seems to vote for a candidate and a party in ignorance of , and in spite of ( rather than because of ) , the party programme that is on offer .
15 The final component of the system is a new management tool , the OpenServer Remote Manager ( list price £2,650 ) , which works in conjunction with an OpenServer Management Agent that is to be added to the OpenServer 400 family : it is initially to be incorporated onto the Unix version ( expected at the end of the month ) , with MS-DOS and OS/2 versions following along during the second quarter of the year .
16 It is the private world of the student 's mind that is at issue , a world that should expand and take on a rich array of colours , within the course of studies .
17 With mind all is opposite ; minds are not substantial , do not apparently obey physical laws , can not be directly observed or inspected , unless it is my own mind that is in question .
18 . We believe that for a structure plan to go forward now in the present state of policy guidance , bearing in mind that 's on the basis of P P G twelve and with P P G thirteen lying in the wings .
19 Roll out the pastry on a floured surface and use to line a 23cm/9in flan tin that is at least 2.5cm/1in deep .
20 Then before each row of the circular rows , they must look at the side lever of the main carriage that is nearest the knitting .
21 The commands being executed are represented as a pattern of ‘ on ’ and ‘ off ’ switches in the central processor unit , so that a switch that is in the off state is carrying as much information as one that is on .
22 An analogy that is worth considering is that of a landlord and tenant relationship .
23 Drink your tea that 's on there .
24 In her private life material from conference lectures is combined with the pop-culture mythology of advertisements , phrase-book dialogues , and other public texts in a number of languages to generate a network of images that is in turn linked to semi-conscious obsessions and childhood memories .
25 It 's about a twenty minute long band practice that 's about how long it usually bloody is .
26 I believe this to be a mistake : in view of the gross statistical disparity the two instances are more likely to be an oversight , or an isolated directive , rather than an indication of an articulatory intention that is to be spread over the whole movement .
27 The other rib , of beef I mean , to get a piece that 's worth cooking cos to carve it and everything else you need at least three ribs and the ribs are sort of usually it 's about that sort of size
28 For a garment piece that is to be knitted in more than one stitch pattern ( a border followed by an all-over pattern for example ) , it is necessary to combine all the appropriate individual patterns into one large stitch pattern before integrating with the garment piece .
29 It is this latter set of words that is of semantic interest , as it is they that ’ seem to contain more meaning ’ [ Bolinger & sears , 1981 ]
30 Now at the moment the black chemical that 's in there is not doing a great deal .
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