Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb past] when " in BNC.

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1 The meal was consumed as rapidly as was comfortable within 15 minutes or stopped when satiation occurred .
2 The level of opposition that existed when my predecessor brought in the contract will be shown by history to have been wildly overstated .
3 The circumstantial variables that prevailed when Carter held office were mixed with some favouring the president and others not .
4 She was wearing a blue costume with a slit skirt that opened when she crossed her legs .
5 There were a couple of fairground signs from Third Avenue antique shops , a polar-bear rug and two huge basketwork chairs that looked like witch-doctors in full gear and creaked when sat upon .
6 There was no mention in the treaty , however , either of the estates in Scotland granted to English lords by Edward I and lost as Bruce gained control of the country , or of the Scottish lands held by Anglo-Scottish lords such as the Earl of Angus and forfeited when they adhered to the English cause .
7 He said he had only offered to use the truncheon as a sex aid but desisted when she shook her head .
8 It brought a tragic end to a love story that began when they met as they walked their dogs after each had lost a marriage partner to cancer .
9 It is the task of Lakhdar Ibrahimi , the Arab League envoy , to struggle through a tangle of sub-issues in the hope that he can persuade the Lebanese to renegotiate France 's political legacy and the policies that began when General Henri Gouraud , who became the French high commissioner of Lebanon in 1920 , stepped ashore .
10 It is found along with fossils of planktonic organisms and it is possible to explain the change in growth between coil and trumpet as a change that happened when the larval shell settled on the bottom .
11 But no , it 's only because he reminds me a bit of him , that gloomy bit , that deep bit , that bit that dominated when his head sank into his shoulders and his mouth turned down and the light went from his eyes , that bit that took over when he resisted and turned inwards and moped .
12 Perhaps this was only because he had never had reason to he until he met Mr Evans , but he was n't afraid of him , even after that first , dreadful night , because Mr Evans had false teeth that clicked when he talked .
13 It was my heart that broke when he went , yet I never had him searched for ; I durs n't think what 'd come , if he saw the lad now .
14 Turning to the parliamentary review programmes , new programmes that started when televising began were the daily round-up programmes on the business of the previous day , BBC2 's Westminster and ITN 's Westminster Programme ; there were also two weekly programmes on Sundays , BBC2 's Westminster Week and Channel 4 's A Week in Politics .
15 A home together is a dream that shattered when his job disappeared .
16 The automatic gateway supports automatic distributed queries and automatic distributed transactions that span Oracle and non-Oracle data sources , so that the savings account described above could be moved to a DB2 database on an IBM mainframe in Los Angeles , and the same SQL query and update transactions that worked when all of the data was in an Oracle database will continue to work .
17 The watching nomes gazed at a pack of sandwiches bigger than they were , and a Thermos flask that steamed when it was opened and filled the hut with the smell of soup .
18 In spite of the ructions that ensued when the announcement was made — namely IBM 's and DEC 's decision to cut Technology off , it managed to double throughput and more in a matter of months and has contributed around 20% of the spoils in ICL UK 's coffers .
19 He took the stairs slowly , trying to remember if it was the third or the fourth step from the bottom that creaked when you put your weight on it .
20 The old rules have to be revised or discarded because they applied to the circumstances that existed when they were formulated , a hundred years ago .
21 She saw the lines scoring Gran 's face — the same harsh lines that came when the rheumatism was at its worst .
22 The compound has been ringed by police and federal agents since a 28 February shoot-out that erupted when agents sought to arrest Koresh for alleged firearms violations .
23 Insp Ken Madison , of Darlington police , said officers had been to the scene of the crash but left when they were satisfied no one was hurt in the collision .
24 Hope Steuart had felled a tree across the track , two men with cudgels were standing sentry behind it , they dropped the clubs and ran when the whole wood came at them , the darkness between the trees turned into people , people everywhere , herds and thickets of them surrounding the low tower-house .
25 There was no door between the kitchens and the alley at the back , only a curtain of brown and yellow beads that clicked when there was a breeze , which was just about never because it was summer and the only time the air moved was when Zervos waved his short arms or a truck went past outside .
26 Shelley was laughing now , feeling that ease that happened more frequently these days , the ease that came when they were together and became , quite suddenly and pleasantly , totally relaxed with each other .
27 As Cecilia sat down she felt the earthquake rumblings that came when a train passed by .
28 James Cossins recalled ‘ the fun of the supper parties after filming all day in the baking heat of the sand dunes around Almeria , and the joy that ensued when , after a suitable amount of alcohol , dear Roy Kinnear could be persuaded to do his celebrated impression of a one-armed golfer ’ .
29 They have ripped off £6.7 billion from our state pension fund — a process that started when the current Prime Minister was a Minister at the then Department of Health and Social Security .
30 Couple of points that were made in relation to this particular report was the backing by the employee side , erm , to the wages board initiative that took when we wrote to the government saying that we felt that the abolition of the wages board was not in the best interests erm , of the people of Lincolnshire .
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