Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 One of the great arguments for sentencing within the community is the opportunity that it ought to give the offender to make restitution in some way for the damage or hurt that he or she has caused .
2 This is a special category of holiday that can often prove the best change or rest that you can have .
3 Not doubting your own sanity or believing that the problems are all your fault .
4 It was concluded that the media had no business either relaying bad news about government and party policies and activities or suggesting that alternative measures might be better .
5 Where appropriate the court can expressly prohibit examination or assessment or state that it shall not take place unless the court directs otherwise ( s38(7) ) .
6 With the court having ordered the husband 's interest to be conveyed or transferred to the wife , or agreement to that effect having been reached , it may be that the wife requests or desires that the house be conveyed or transferred to herself and her new husband .
7 The word-processor provides the teacher with a powerful resource with which to explore the body of experience or learning that waits to be arranged through the successful use of language .
8 You may like to add the name of one or two referees to your c.v. , either to vouch for your general honesty and reliability or to confirm that you have the skills and experience you claim in the c.v .
9 Please tick the relevant boxes if you require further details , or would like to make a donation or feel that you can help us and return this form to the appropriate address below .
10 set aside an amount of money or identified that we would need to spend an amount of money and perhaps we need to do that sooner .
11 If you have any queries or think that you may not be obtaining your full pension entitlement , you should contact your local Social Security office as soon as possible .
12 The incomer might not agree to any existing house rules or feel that they can ignore them because they were not party to them initially .
13 A sign of the recession or fear that these impressionable young booksellers might be contaminated by their publishing counterparts in some way ?
14 The government adopted a decree on April 5 for the provision of homes and jobs to returning Turks , many of whom had sold their houses or found that the local authorities had bulldozed them in their absence .
15 On the down side , domestic broadcasters decided to ban any songs or plays that could cause offence .
16 Nor was it merely a triumph for selfish or cynical British statesmen , indifferent to the fate of far-off peoples or calculating that Hitler might be launched into war against Soviet Russia .
17 So first thing every morning , the shrew trots round the course , clearing away any twigs or leaves that might have fallen across it with side-swipes of its delicate fore-legs .
18 In view of the widespread and sometimes ill-founded criticism of the recent franchise round and despite the uniform excellence of the successful tenders , will my right hon. Friend nevertheless consider the possibility of providing a review system so as either to show up ways in which it could be improved in future or to demonstrate that an extremely good job has been done by the Independent Television Commission ?
19 The Prime Minister had his head down for the vast majority of the speech , assiduously following the whole of the 57 pages either to avoid the accusatory , glaring eyes of the Opposition or to check that his Chancellor did not deviate from the text .
20 This inappropriate behaviour can indicate the level of distress or anger that the child is feeling and extensive investigations into family functioning are indicated .
21 Five others either declared their candidacy or announced that they would soon do so : Edmund G. ( Jerry ) Brown Jr , Governor of California in 1975-83 ; Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas ; Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa ; Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska , and Governor L. Douglas Wilder of Virginia .
22 Certainly , you should make it clear by words or conduct that you are exercising your right to treat yourself as having been dismissed .
23 Even making allowances for these factors , a person might be insulted if the actor makes it plain by his words or conduct that he holds in contempt those ( including the victim ) who do not share his point of view .
24 It is the risk to public order inherent in the defendant 's words or conduct that represents the harm struck at by the section .
25 When those at the level of schools read about allegations of incompetence on the part of the earlier separate Universities Funding Council and about the individual difficulties of separate universities , they felt frustration about the apparent misuse of money in other sectors or believed that if other people got their sums wrong , they in schools should also have been excused .
26 The narrowest position is to say that rape is committed only where D threatens violence or knows that V is in fear of violence , and that any other threat must fall within the lesser offence of procuring sex by threats .
27 Selectivity affects variables or attributes that influence the outcome or the dependent variable : the problem is , if using the experimental mock-up , to separate out this initial selectivity from the impact of the institution , in this case , the military .
28 In 1904 he wrote to the poet and critic Arthur Symons : ‘ I have , however , of late years , lapsed so deeply into my early weakness for verse , & have found the condensed expression that it affords so much more consonant to my natural way of thinking & feeling that I have almost forgotten the prose effusions for the time . ’
29 This then becomes not a description of the object itself , but of the critical appreciation or dislike that the work gives rise to .
30 Any liability , injury , loss or damage that occurs outside the territorial limits of the policy unless you have paid an extra premium to have insurance cover outside the territorial limits .
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