Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [be] not " in BNC.

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1 that , that spoilt the course or were not relevant and they 'd forgotten about the relevant bits .
2 It is reported that Mrs Thatcher has been keen to ensure that those promoted are sympathetic to her scale of values or are not unwilling to break away from the style of middle-of-the-road consensus policies that have predominated in recent years .
3 Thus a member that protests from the outset of institutional action that is not sanctioned by the constitutive treaty should be able to claim that it is not bound by that action .
4 There was a need for concerted action that was not evidence of weakness but of ‘ confidence and strength ’ .
5 He never moved but waited for her to come to him , and when she did his arm came around her with a swift , protective action that was not lost at all on Maggie .
6 The effect of the Acts ‘ was to remove legal immunity from almost all forms of industrial action that were not aimed at the worker 's immediate employer or related conditions of work ’ .
7 But many trees today have characteristics that are not healthy . ’
8 The central question is whether animals possess important characteristics that are not adaptive , and which therefore , by definition , would not have been shaped by natural and sexual selection .
9 The link , he suggested , was the ‘ intuitive poster art , words to songs that are not quite understandable , superimpositions in films that do n't quite focus into a subject ’ , all of which , he contended optimistically , ‘ move us towards the new era ’ .
10 In the chapters which follow there will be put forward a reasoned basis for religious thinking that is not excessively influenced by orthodox theology or by organised religions of any creed , denomination or national identification .
11 The answer is straightforward : the exchange-rate mechanism would continue , run by the enlarged chamber of governors , and all currencies that were not in stage three could remain in the exchange-rate mechanism or outside it , depending on what they chose .
12 These kind visitors received animals that were not Mickey Mouse .
13 But the old false syllogism , " English Literature is printed in books : books are in libraries : therefore the English teacher should be the school librarian " , overlooks those sections of the stock that are scientific or concern number , those sections of the stock that are not in English at all , and those sections of the stock largely in pictorial form — quite apart from the service of the library to history , geography , sociology , crafts , and other subject departments , and the usefulness of non-book formats to all comers .
14 The aim of semantic processing is to demote word combinations that are not meaningful .
15 I got a Christmas card that 's not opened !
16 There could not be a European defence force that was not a nuclear power .
17 The second is that comparisons between the brains of living mammals show that many of them contain specializations that are not present in our own brains .
18 Only 44 of the 58 labs identified each correctly , and seven claimed to identify pesticides that were not present .
19 These are all forms of consciousness that are not ‘ practical ’ in orientation in the way that a skill or a natural science are .
20 Some people leave effects of the dead person around — the hat that still hangs in the hall , the bedroom that is not touched , the area of the house that becomes a kind of ‘ shrine ’ to the memory of the person who is dead .
21 So the way you talk normally when you 're outside when you 're playing football that 's not the same as you need to talk when you 're writing is it ?
22 But the process is not so hard to understand once it is remembered that nationalism is a political emotion that was not often felt before the old feudal leaders of countries outside Europe had been conquered and replaced by Europeans .
23 Knots of horsemen , as far as the eye could see , were moving along the banks of the Tay , firing the jetties that were not already broken , and two ferry boats crowded with men were in midstream on the Tay , hazed with smoke as they struck tinder into their torches .
24 However , the broker/dealer may well complain that this rule will allow the floor to take good trades off him , leaving him with the trades that are not worth having .
25 On this form , the applicant signs a declaration that , to the best of his knowledge , the sire and dam do not suffer from hip dysplasia , entropion , undershot or overshot jaw , wrymouth , incomplete dentition , extreme shyness of or viciousness towards people , total absence of tan marking , yellow bird-of-prey eyes or eyes that are not the same colour , white markings .
26 Appearance of the eyes : swollen , sore , crusted or drooping eyelids ; continuous or uncontrolled eye movements ( nystagmus ) ; misshapen or irregular pupil ; eyes that are not normally aligned and working in co-ordination .
27 For whenever her husband was working with Morse , Mrs Lewis could recognise a curious contentment in his eyes that was not only good for him , but good for her , too .
28 The word is used to define an order or programme that is not constructed symmetrically .
29 To encourage developers to write more modular software that can take advantage of systems that support Threads — a Thread can be any part of an application or programme that is not dependent on the result or outcome of another ( that can be treated as a task in its own right ) — Posix has a committee working on a Threads application programming interface standard .
30 If as a captain he was not authoritarian enough , that was just not his style ; given opposition that were not vastly superior he could lead a team well enough , and chalked up two notable series wins against India and Australia .
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