Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adv] her " in BNC.

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1 After an hour or so her eyes grew heavy and her yawns more frequent , and at last she stopped the tape at a suitable break .
2 The tears welled up in her eyes and trickled into her ears and down her neck ; she heard her own sobs but made no effort to contain them .
3 and take and her card and then her folder comes out as you take it .
4 In her frantic anxiety she began rubbing her eyes and then her dripping nose as if trying to flatten both into her skull .
5 She spun round to face him with blazing blue eyes and then her head fell as the blue became blurred with tears , and pity for herself , for her mother and for the man she scarcely remembered came flooding with the tears that fell down her cheeks .
6 Against her will , hot scalding tears burst from her eyes and down her cheeks .
7 It was too humiliating … she stared at her reflection , the damp tangle of hair tumbling over her eyes and down her back , the too pale , too thin length of arms and legs , the full thrust of high , ochre-tipped breasts , balanced by the curving jut of her hips … she put her hands to her face , and felt the heat in her cheeks .
8 As she spoke , the tears which had welled before began to spill from her eyes and down her cheeks .
9 Some of it misses and there 's suddenly a livid green stain around her mouth and down her front .
10 She sensed his need to avenge that waiting , but she could n't form words to protest , pulled in to him , her mouth and then her breasts captive to the erotic magic of his lips and tongue , the writhing of her body an explicit demand for more .
11 He watched her merge with the undergrowth until only her calves showed , pale as milk in the shadows .
12 Zara 's family and tennis friends in Northern Ireland have undoubtedly given her much of the help that she needed , but the lack of adequate facilities , together with a dormant tennis structure in the province , has left Zara — and other tennis hopefuls — without the opportunity that perhaps her efforts deserve .
13 She grimaced and told me about the school playground and how her clothes were wrong .
14 The TV presenter stared at the female detective for a second and then her face twisted into a sly smile .
15 She heard the sound of the sea , the cry of the gulls and then her own cry , as he made love to her in the same way as he had done long ago at the Angel Inn .
16 Marie used to live in Scotland and sometimes her friends write to her .
17 This was first apparent in The Quest ( 1943 ) where the arabesques danced in many ways became the movement through which Una ( danced by Margot Fonteyn ) expressed the emotions aroused when she is assailed by the four false Knights and then her joy when rescued by St. George .
18 Her life was a ceaseless round of hard work , of struggling to make ends meet , of keeping up appearances and yet her lion-like spirit showed through .
19 She had learned how to protect her emotions and thus her body .
20 The Queen is head of the Church of England but today her presence in the congregation was seen as a royal nod of approval for the church unity movement or ecumenism .
21 Locked together now , welded , this was purely a matter of power and its absence , history 's eternal lesson of the powerful absorbing the powerless , as first her lack of resistance and then her wild response empowered Luke — to take , to give , to plunder or to reward at his pleasure .
22 Trickles of sweat dripped from her hair and down her temples , leaving an itchy heat behind them .
23 Thanks to the committee members for all their help over the last year and particularly to Graham Espin for many years of enthusiastic effort with the committee , to Ross Hamilton our treasurer for all his hard work , to Mrs Sheila Peterson for her abilities as vice chairman and particularly her talent with the children at our functions , to Miss Netta Gibling who , as ever , provides continuity and expertise as secretary .
24 She had been watching the tumble-drier for ages and still her clothes were n't quite dry .
25 The Tominahs and even her uncle seemed to think this behaviour was quite to be expected on an occasion such as this , with so much soul energy flying around .
26 When knowledge of her plight reached the UK , Edinburgh District Council sent a message to Kenyan President , requesting that be permitted safe passage to Edinburgh to receive her award and also her safe return to Kenya .
27 ‘ It is a huge building and clearly Her Majesty could not possibly visit every part of it .
28 And what with her heart and now her leg , she felt fully excused from all effort in that area .
29 Sue Wright says she started playing squash with her sister and then her dad started coaching her .
30 Julia contracted a rare eye disease , retinitis pigmentosa , when she was two ; which meant she lost part of her retina and gradually her vision .
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