Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 and had narked and sparked at my comment I only had one decentish pair of black shoes for meetings and/or interviews and I have remedied that now back here using X 's advanced ( if a little critical ) birthday money .
2 If you have paid for , or returned , any items it would be helpful if you could give some indication of the date of payment or return and whether a cheque was used .
3 ‘ We ought none of us to lose sight of the fact that human beings count far more than institutions or procedures or precedents , and we ought always to be willing , given justification , to sacrifice the latter to the former . ’
4 But there is usually an effective distinction from the institutions of simple commodity production even where the cultural work is quite clearly a commodity it is almost always , and often justly , also described in very different terms — and from the institutions or power and administration , in which purposes and objectives are inherent .
5 All you or your workmen have to do is supply a concrete base and clad the outside walls in brick or stone and give it the finishing touches .
6 Contemporary churches in the eastern part of the Byzantine domains were domed with vaults of brick or stone and such domes covered a square plan .
7 In the evil , glowing red light they could see that the walls were not of brick or timber or of anything that walls were normally made of .
8 dark smoke from a chimney of a building or boiler or other plant ( controlled by s.1 of the 1956 Act ) , or
9 Among the 35 essentially ‘ non-advanced ’ colleges , two specialize in agriculture or horticulture and another seven offer courses in one or both of these two areas .
10 Swedish agricultural policy is principally directed towards the enlargement of farms and an overall reduction in crop acreage and farm labour , but rural communities which earn the major part of their income from agriculture or forestry and whose populations are declining are recognised as a national asset whose survival should be safeguarded .
11 If you have applied for a grant or scholarship and are awaiting the outcome , give the name and address of the body to whom application has been made , and the amount and period applied for .
12 If you are turned down for a grant or loan or you are unhappy with the amount given , there is no right of appeal to an independent tribunal as there used to be .
13 Second , it is submitted for the plaintiffs that such action is not in relation to the grant or refusal of a further advance because the making of the valuation is not part of the administration or managerial process leading to the grant or refusal but is only a condition precedent to the actual process of making a grant .
14 Garden centres will have horse and hop or horse and mushroom , but they are not cheap , can be full of weed seed and , if sawdust and not straw is used in the horse 's stable , and can create problems of nitrogen deficiency .
15 They looked squarely and intently at each other for a full minute , as blankly as strangers , trying each other for traces of concession or agreement or affection , even .
16 Many country banks lent in their own notes , but others did so only in coin or in Bank of England notes or bills and drafts .
17 ( v ) paid off debts or fines or loans incurred by the addict in your life .
18 Some of his oldest friends , who for years had been accustomed to seeing him , fat and genial , as the leading light of a pig-sticking expedition , were astonished to hear him now holding forth like a veritable Newton or Faraday and discussing the latest discoveries in medicine as fluently as if they were entries in the Bengal Club Cup or the Planters ' Handicap .
19 Well it says jeans and a jumper or trousers and a jumper .
20 My journey , I realised now , was not one that had begun at fixed point ‘ A ’ and would run to ‘ B ’ : crossing space — by canoe or donkey or in the footsteps of — was not what it was about .
21 But most of the rest of his career was as a travel photographer working for P & O and Union Castle , as well as the tourist boards for the Bahamas , Barbados and Jamaica , where he went every second winter to photograph personalities such as Joan Crawford or Richard Lester , and incidentally took the last photographs of Ian Fleming and Noel Coward .
22 Two consortia — one led by P & O and the other by Trafalgar House — are still bidding for partnership with BR , which is due to announce its choice by the end of the month .
23 The Trade Secretary recently quashed a scheme by P & O and Sealink to pool services on short routes , but the proposal may surface again .
24 The best ferry award was shared by P & O and Sealink Stena .
25 There is n't anyone left in this club who reads anything more demanding than the Racing Times or tits and bums magazines .
26 This kind of mutual formulation of the right amount of information for communication to take place is very common in conversation , particularly where times or places or objects need to be specified .
27 This may contain text or graphics or both .
28 All these can be difficult to file , so why not try the following : convert all documents to A4 size , using either a photocopier or paste and paper .
29 There is now a need for a fresh use of the imagination , a new conjecture or hypothesis or guess .
30 caused by normal settlement or shrinkage or to solid floors caused by compaction of infill
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