Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] 's [be] " in BNC.

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1 Briquettes who 's are they , briquettes ?
2 It 's it 's not about being able to get rid of them totally and we agree that we need some sort of level of arousal it 's being able to perform despite them to use that arousal to put into an effective presentation , and that 's what this two days is about is getting those butterflies for you to fly in formation .
3 Anyway erm so erm you sometimes also find with family situations , let's suppose in some situations you have some you have a daughter in the household who 's being abused by say the father or step-father , maybe if there 's a brother once he gets old enough to start becoming interested in sex , in some cases , although he 's round about the same age as his sister , can be um as it were inducted into the into the cycle of abuse erm can actually start participating when the dynamic 's already there .
4 It 's part of the rave scene it 's being sold as Ecstasy , but also as Special K or Vitamin K.
5 ‘ It 's a shame she 's being held back . ’
6 But to the criminal she 's was just an easy target .
7 Oh there was tracks There 's is that and the fact er they can go out that way with their Land Rovers and things
8 He says , the next regional meeting it 's being held in Neesden he says you can go to that one ca n't ya ?
9 The control panel has a 4-band EQ including a brilliance control for extra sparkle and a phase reversal switch to match the guitar sound to the room it 's being played in .
10 My er , circumstances are entirely different , I am the person who 's being cared for and my husband died in nineteen eighty seven , and my son in nineteen eighty eight and I was left with my young son , and he looked after me on his own , and then my daughter who li , I was living in Ireland , my daughter lived in England , and she decided it was n't good enough that it should all be left to him , so we had a long talk and we discussed it at length for two weeks at Christmas , and then they all moved Sou , over here , we got a house in Scotland , and I 'm looked after by my young son and my daughter , and since then a year ago my daughter got married , her husband moved in and he looks after me as well , so I 'm looked after by three young adults .
11 I 'm never quite sure really to be honest whether these individuals had an interview with Jesus or Jesus had an interview with them , because whether they thought that Jesus or whether they thought they were doing the , the probing and the questioning really it was Jesus who was in charge of the interview , you may of watched er certain chat shows on the , on the television or heard them on the radio and er depending who the person being interviewed is , very often it actually changes , and its the interviewer who really is being put through it , its the , its the person who 's being interviewed is in charge of the situation and that was the case here Jesus .
12 What I want you to do as as the person who 's being assertive is to stick to the point .
13 So you want some something out of cutting a complete contrast between the sort of person who 's being interviewed , sort of
14 What 's your name it 's in n it ?
15 A disabled teenager who 's being treated by a Russian physiotherapist has been told his trainer must go home because his visa has run out .
16 Amazing is n't it ? that now Batty 's moved to Blackburn , within a month he 's being hailed as a good passer of the ball .
17 So if your if you 're an elder it 'll be very difficult to get up those very steep steps etcetera so it 's got disadvantages now it 's been run all sorts of ways it 's was run you know it was run as a as a wine wine bar it was run as a restaurant it 's been run as a bar it 's been run as a stage door club but all this all these ways have been run by private individuals it 's not always been the trust that 's run it it 's been run as franchise all these people have great problems actually making profit out of it and making it suitable .
18 Oh no , they and he turns up in some hanging from a chain he 's being cruel to her is n't he ?
19 You have n't really got the answer at all you 've just written it differently and that 's all it means whatever you 're sharing out goes on the top what ever number of people of people it 's being shared out between go underneath .
20 Meanwhile the foreign office is also being criticised for failing to help a man who 's being prevented from leaving India .
21 Um I think um where I 've seen things that er discussed under the heading of child sex abuse erm er it 's often the case that um y'know maybe in some families you find the situation where there 's a daughter who 's being abused by the father and then when the brother gets old enough to take an interest in sexuality , he joins in as well sort of thing and it 's er y'know it 's like there 's two blokes abusing the girl .
22 The coal-house part it 's is quite wide now we 've done it , big coal-house , but altered
23 That 's where the blood leads by , okay , on that side of the heart the left hand side of the heart it 's being pumped and therefore the muscle is a bigger muscle , that 's doing the contracting , the blood push out and it relaxes back again and that allows the blood to be sucked back down into the heart , okay , and the next time it 's shh , that goes out and then it relaxes down again and the blood sucks back down into the heart , okay so that 's what it does , all the muscle can do is that , muscle can only retract and then it relaxes , contract and then it relaxes , that 's what the heart 's doing all the time , how many beats a minute ?
24 ‘ Of course he 's being difficult .
25 So this will actually influence you , because you 'll be able to look through the brochures and see which of those groups it 's being targeted at .
26 versus the old , it can be looked as communism because it 's a new thing it 's being
27 And , therefore , the argument is of people whose backs are pinned to the wall before they 're questioned as it were , and that does n't make for a sober and calm discussion , especially as there is some doubt , I suspect , in the mind of ministers , but certainly in the mind of many people in the Conservative Party , about whether these great absolutes , this wall against which ministers and departments are nailed , really need exist in quite the form it 's being constructed or whether the whole issue could n't be handled in a rather more sensitive and relaxed way .
28 It is stretched between the needle it was on originally and the needle it 's being transferred to .
29 I mean , you 've got to bear in mind that God created the , the heavens and , and the earth and any human that 's er in God 's memory who 's is deceased out the way , if you 've got enough faith , you can believe that you can bring anything back
30 Well people generally complain about sex on television so , the way it 's being presented .
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