Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] i think " in BNC.

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1 Thank you Chairman I I think er as far as I twelve 's concerned the County Council 's er reasonably happy with that er er policy as it stands , and I think most people erm not all but but certainly the majority of people who er commented on that , commented in a sort of an affirmative way , erm again the provisions of the policy as they are hopefully reworded will er promote the same sort of flexibility and generosity that erm policy I five .
2 Richmondshire , chairman I I think we er dealt with that fairly fairly readily , erm I th , a change if you were to recommend that er to meet the district 's case , erm I do n't think that would be likely to cause any any harm to the County Council 's strategy and er that 's exactly what Mr Potter er did say not too long ago .
3 Twice a month the fat lawyer whom I think of as the Agent comes to visit in his sweaty suit .
4 So , when Fisher Fine Art closed down , they asked us to take on some of the artists and we decided to try out Gwen Hardie whom I think is promising .
5 Erm well as I 've as I 've in my submission I I think we can give qualified support for the proposal that erm Harrogate have put on the table .
6 The crafty bugger says to me , what did she say , they 're fourteen pound summat I think she says , these wooden ones
7 it 's a small expense which I think 's worth it .
8 Could I take er , a minute and , and just try and look at the steps that you 've gone through and I , I tried to write down as you were doing it , giving your presentation , the steps which I think everybody eventually went through either formally or informally and I think if we look at these steps you 'll agree yes , I needed that and I did that or , we did n't do it formally .
9 We visited many places and went out to dinner and went to London during that time to watch the theatre production of ‘ Cats ’ by Andrew Lloyd Web which I think is the most memorable event of that holiday ; as well as going to Canterbury Cathedral .
10 May we move on therefore to this very important work programme which I think a very substantial matter
11 That was the other thing I think about the Festival programme which I think was a bit embarrassed about is the fact that all that information is in such teeny tiny writing
12 I 've got another piece which I think you 'd like , it 's all to do with food poisoning , which is rampant in Cambridge , I think you 'd like to know how many people are dying each week .
13 Erm , matters have moved on from than then in terms of the er additional P P G guidance which I think makes it quite clear , as as you 've already s said that erm we should be as transparent as possible in our allocations and levels for provision for employment development .
14 It is it 's more of a little story and it 's not a front page shocker which I think is what we said we 'd set out to write , a front page shocker okay so I think you 've got to think about the kind of words you use .
15 Anthony Trollope possessed great talent which I think can be seen clearly in ‘ Barchester Towers ’ and ‘ The Last Chronicle of Barset ’ .
16 The colour is injected into these fish , a practice which I think is cruel and deplorable .
17 Ken commented earlier that er er prior to the Financial Services Act coming into force which I think was some time in nineteen eighty-eight , the er D T I was responsible and there come back to the D T I if these sort of things had applied and er compensation effectively by the D T I for mal-administration or whatever so that er say we do n't pretend to be pension experts , so any retrospection that I would suggest might well be appropriate as at the date of the Financial Services Act becoming into force .
18 er for special services I invite everybody , and I 've got about fifty on my books which I think I can afford to go around when I get there , can you do a couple , they live near you
19 It 's an organisation I have always recognised provides a facility to commerce and industry which I think is highly desirable — that is a facility to take a long-term view .
20 mm , that was typical mind you I think he needed this win to boost his confidence cos he 's not been doing at all well has he lately ?
21 Now in some respects what I think should happen , is we should , yeah we should not be negative about going on the course , but in terms of the financial implications I 'm very worried about that and I think there is a erm , there is some need for the client to say , that if he wants us to go on this course we 're happy to go on it , but that he should look seriously at financing and he plus it should have been in the tender document .
22 Erm but it it 's not just the views of the settlement which I think should be under consideration here .
23 I have left the paper for reasons which I think have been fairly clear .
24 We have far too great a gap between these two states which I think all magistrates are very conscious of and which all defendants are very conscious of , and particularly from the public point of view again erm the present alternatives to custody are seen by members of the public as soft options , are seen as a let off .
25 That is a direction which I think archaeology is moving in .
26 and pro , reviewing your progress which I think 's good .
27 Chairman could I also mention that the county council has a conference centre down in Havstock Park which I think is probably bigger er than this particular room erm may well also have catering facilities .
28 I 've written a sentence which I think sums up the tape and introduces it which I think would do for both leaflets .
29 And I would erm particularly d draw your attention to criteria two there that erm the proposal should have district council support which I think is an important point of principle .
30 The only other provision which I think I need cite is section 2(11) which provides :
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