Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] is [be] " in BNC.

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1 One is to disconnect the CMOS-backing or other built-in batteries for about five minutes in order to check that it is not a previously cleared fault which is being ‘ remembered ’ .
2 FRANK BRUNO is almost certain to jump the heavyweight queue on the way to his third world title attempt which is being planned for London early next year .
3 In that review which is being sought in the motion we need to think strategically , not just about our own provision , but to ensure that a large scale T U C provision is maintained .
4 Four Axminster Gripper looms have arrived at Brindley Road , from LDP 's factory at Warwick which is being closed down following the take over .
5 It is not that these initiatives do not contain good educational practice which is being criticised here ( for they do ) , but rather the way in which they are seen by some as panaceas which can succeed without full professional involvement .
6 Early diagnosis will help to minimize the resulting weight loss which can be difficult to make up , even once the condition itself is being treated .
7 That sort of personal approach to the individual citizen is , more than anything else , likely to outrage the individual citizen who is being treated by the national health service .
8 Reflecting the fact that on the left-hand side it is being added to the element 0 .
9 It certainly is n't in the interests of this country to do to the mining industry what is being done . ’
10 But it is a , it was n't a , it was n't in ordinary auction what is was , somebody had died in Nantwich and they were doing selling the contents the of her house
11 It 's the DNA technique which is being used to trace a multiple rapist at loose in Oxford , responsible for three attacks in the last 12 months .
12 Arsonists have tried to destroy a building which is being converted into a clinic for men who 've sexually abused children .
13 Er , has been and is continue , continuing to be whittled away , so workers in Shropshire are , are in a poor position , and , and this is an opportunity to , to give them some help , to replace some of that statutory protection which is being removed .
14 This Note summarizes the conceptual thinking behind a comprehensive system of assessment which is being piloted in four local authorities , and reports on the preliminary results .
15 Graduates , former students and staff of University of Nottingham have recently received a letter from the Vice-Chancellor introducing the University of Nottingham MasterCard which is being launched in association with Bank of Scotland .
16 Can I can I say that in my opinion that the county council 's current budgeting strategy which effectively imposes a two percent efficiency saving which I might add in figures come to something like one point five million erm is , is of concern but what is of greater concern is the further possibility of a four percent er reduction which is being sought in blocks of three percent and one percent next year for ninety four ninety five which is to the amount of two point eight million at the current prices will in my opinion decimate the present level of service provision in policing .
17 So please council when you have the money will you take action to remedy this blot on our lovely park which is being destroyed by mindless yobs at night time .
18 The successful communicator selects just those features which differ from this schema , enabling the receiver to adjust it and to bring it closer to the individual instance which is being described .
19 Labour MP Mr Hall said the motorway link which is being fought tooth-and-nail by action groups in Cheshire and south Manchester was completely unnecessary .
20 After all , it is a noble part of your heritage which is being destroyed .
21 According to this reading , the repetition of episodes and the lack of a linear structure can be regarded as being in keeping with the formal realism of a narrative which is being conducted by someone whose overwrought state of mind colours his perception of the world around him , and who is no longer able to distinguish between imagination and reality .
22 There 's a little tiny bit to tinker with , but it 's not if we were to , we , we 're canvassing at pressed about altering the length of the lunchtime break to break it down from an hour and a half and an hour and a quarter to an hour and a quarter to an hour which is being we would save some money on not paying our
23 Similarly , if parents are able to have their views upheld ( as might occur on an appeal against a decision not to reinstate a permanently excluded pupil ) , ‘ it may not be clear whether it is primarily the child 's right or the parents ' rights over upbringing which is being upheld ’ .
24 Planning permission is being sought for a driving range beside Hunley Hall golf course which is being built at Brotton .
25 They are often used to outline a bass part which is being played in its entirety by the more agile bass instruments , e.g. :
26 He submitted that in determining whether judicial review will lie the courts today will examine the function which is being performed by the body which is to be reviewed rather than its identity or the source of its powers .
27 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
28 It quashes expenditure which is deemed to be in breach of this duty , but does not impose any obligation to spend money which is being unreasonably withheld .
29 After all , it is the employer 's money which is being spent and the employer 's view may be different from that of the employer 's advisers .
30 When you 're arguing about the money to be spend on repairs , and for example the reason why we 've had to get strict budgetary control on the amount of money which is being spent on repairs , is because that money all comes out of tenants ' rents , and it 's basically a balance — if we want to increase the erm numbers and the standard of repairs that we offer as a landlord , then it has to be met by a further increase in rents , and we think we 've got the balance about right at the moment .
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