Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb mod] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yeah , by the Shrimp I could of got pregnant !
2 Well the , the bed , there were no spring beds in , that came into my life until many years after , were the old straw palliasses , which were really more hygienic to sleep on than your spring beds , because you get the lumbar trouble with a straw palliasses cos it was just hip firm , I give you an instance I used to , as I was growing older I used to fold my trousers and put them under the mattress to press my trousers so I 'd always got a nice crease in my trousers , they were so solid that er you got y you did n't even get any wrinkles in your trousers in those days .
3 but er I 'd meet up in town and our house like twenty past nine , half past , get , get , get the bit of shopping done before the fucking crowds I might off wasted me time , we got in there about ten o'clock , right old day .
4 But of course I ought to .
5 That is more than I can say about the Liberal Democrats , who seem to be headed for their own Westminster bunker en masse , or for Robin Cook , Clare Short , John Prescott or Chris Smith — all of whose views I would in normal times respect and follow with interest .
6 Cost a lot of money I would of thought .
7 Yet I tried and tried for over a week thinking I ought to for his sake .
8 Only then , Wolfprince , only when you are cowed and submissive , only when I have drawn from you every shred of defiance , when I have extracted every sliver of pleasure I can from your predicament , shall I take your soul .
9 Richard , on the odd occasion you something for me Richard I ought to be a lot for you !
10 ‘ I myself can not even begin to imagine by what mental process an educated and rational man of some sensibility moves from the reputed subtleties of Keynsian economics ( the process which has , apparently , saved the capitalist system from the collapse which would in turn have provoked a revolution ) to the blatant crudities of contemplating intercourse with a mindless whore .
11 Secondly if the first question is answered affirmatively , it is necessary to consider whether there are any considerations which ought to negative , or to reduce or limit the scope of duty or the class of person to whom it is owed or the damages to which a breach of it may give rise .
12 Our most successful player at Peachtree was Eoghan O'Connell , a young Irishman who has a future which ought to be the equal of Claydon 's .
13 Workers at all levels face a future which may of necessity or choice embrace a number of quite different careers .
14 I tell you a good programme which used to be on was erm oh fucking Auf Wiedersehn Pet .
15 Quite apart from the fact that Hopper 's movie was eventually virtually sabotaged by the studio ( or himself , depending on which side you were on ) , director Bob Rafelson had a good script which would without question consolidate Nicholson as the finest exponent of counter-culture appeal available anywhere in America in that year .
16 In most primary schools certain teachers have , or can acquire , special strengths which ought to be made available , on a rational division of labour , to children outside their class and to their colleagues .
17 English court procedure at present gives no rights of intervention to third parties ; and it might be argued that if they were significantly extended , this would increase even further the role of the courts in resolving disputes which ought to be settled by political , not legal , means .
18 JH : Do you feel when listening to ‘ authentic ’ orchestral performances that there is an inevitable tendency for the musician to have at the root of his interpretation a whole series of experiences and influences which must at least sub-consciously be drawn from the post-Wagnerian school ?
19 He was sent on teaching practice to Cowbridge Grammar School , one of those small country grammar schools which used to be the glory of Wales .
20 All the legends are clearly printed on the keytops in the same colours as the original , the only missing one is Break which ought to be on the Space bar but is n't .
21 The novels enjoyed a limited success , but because most novelists were concerned at the time to redefine the relation of the individual to society in terms of changing values , it was all too easy for readers to focus on the social dimension of Brooke-Rose 's fiction and to overlook those aspects which can in retrospect be seen to prefigure the problems and techniques of her later work .
22 Two variables which can at least be specified are the recipient 's skill and his receptiveness .
23 Much of the labour which used to be involved in manipulating and presenting data can now be delegated to specialised computer software but the basic issues of coding and structuring data still depend on the skills of the analyst .
24 Inevitably this process will address difficult questions and may generate difficult solutions which may in turn have severe effects on existing interests both inside and outside the organisation .
25 Those classed as ‘ other homes ’ included convalescent homes , a rehabilitation centre , an assessment centre , a holiday home for the disabled and rest homes which may in practice have been homes for older people ( the classification was made on the basis of the information given by the person interviewed ) .
26 We further conclude that the creation of teams of interested teachers , parent volunteers and responsible children is good practice which ought to be more widely adopted .
27 We attended between us five workshops and found all of them lacking in a clear overall framework/direction which would at least set an agenda for future constructive discussion ( let alone action ) .
28 A typical exhibit , Thomas Kapielsky 's witty ‘ Käseplatte ’ is an object the size and shape of a record ( platte ) which also looks like a section of a round cheese ( Käse ) ; but the thing visualises at the same time an untranslatable German pun ( while ‘ Käseplatte ’ is normally a selection of cheeses in a restaurant , ‘ Käse ’ is also colloquial for crap which can of course refer to music as well as to art … ) .
29 if the return to Conservatism is to be something more than the transient apparition of a spectre from the past , and its voice in national affairs not merely to be a sepulchral warning against the dangers of rash courses , the Conservative leaders must bestir themselves to some purpose … [ the Conservative Party ] must be ready to meet the programme of the Labour Party not simply with a non-possumus but with an alternative which will in some measure satisfy certain of the needs which Labour is concerned to satisfy , and at the same time avoid the perils with which it insists Labour policy is beset .
30 Further , the extension of this system might well reach the stage when directives are given from political headquarters as to the line of action which ought to be taken locally .
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