Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Theyspoketo them nicely but if I asked them for anything it was as though they could n't be bothered .
2 ‘ When I was in Dinosaur I never though I had any real talent .
3 I think that announcement was actually made I told it was going to be and has committed to support D R D A two and that effectively provides an alternative A P I perhaps as O D B C with Microsoft 's backing will become the norm in the P C environment , D R D A will be in the I B M environment .
4 Erm before we started this drawing which so if I co , perhaps if I stand here everyone will be able to see which is probably fairly familiar and in , in most respects it goes back about six years to the first master plan that was produced for the estate erm to provide a combination of regeneration and new build .
5 ‘ And these stones — so unexpected in this magnificent country — because I confess it is not for the pleasures of civilisation that I came to this district but for the informing breadth and spectacles of Nature — reminded me of somewhere I knew not where and that was my over-selfish study which all but ended in a brute collision with yourselves ! ’
6 Many have pointed out the absurdity of concluding that the reality is impersonal and purposeless on the basis of a methodology which deliberately and systematically excludes such notions .
7 You should pick words which accurately and concisely convey your meaning .
8 First there was a decline in the fishing industry which traditionally provided the crofter 's cash income .
9 to tell his constituents that with London 's share of world trade in financial services is increasing and is now at twenty seven percent that the financial services sector round the U K four point three billion , that those employees that he refers to are in fact in an industry which even if it is redistributing employment it 's nevertheless growing .
10 But Whitehall should contract out as much as possible of this research to industry itself rather than giving it to government establishments .
11 Within the Nazi Movement and the coercive apparatus of the State , symbolizing the struggle to rid Germany of its Jews , and increasingly the struggle to destroy Jewry itself once and for all , it had a significance which can hardly be overrated .
12 Or Ike who more than liked his wartime driver and mistress , Kay Summersby .
13 We waited expectantly for the arrival of the spotters who usually provided the information on the train engine .
14 And I hope that John Major and central office of the Conservative Party study it carefully since it is about party democracy and the Conservative party have a few lessons to learn in that direction .
15 I decided I would carry the six-pound loss myself rather than admit to him I 'd made such a fool of myself
16 There are various ways of improving the lot of hens but we do need to ask the hens themselves rather than make up their minds for them .
17 Thanks to the work of your moral forces , powered by the social change which always and only emerges through technological innovation , the future from which I come is not entirely uninhabitable .
18 An expert misconducts himself only if he fails to decide the issue in the way he has agreed with the parties to do : see 13.13 .
19 Erm , now bearing in mind that half the year has gone , or will have gone by the time anybody arrived here , erm it seemed to me that where I , my analysis of that situation was that if we were going to achieve our target times , erm , then the theory would seem to be that we ought to make , er , two appointments now , I E two appointments for half the year will be equivalent to one appointment for the year , and that will produce the number of investigative hours which roughly that the formula says we need to knock off the required number of complaints in the required number of times .
20 Irrespective of the type of difficulties presented by the children , there was a substantial core of activities which more than 70 per cent of the assistants engaged in .
21 and the aargh , just squeezed in and this lad sort of shit himself completely and went zoom right up the road then , well I knew what was gon na happen so I dropped right back and er how he missed him I do n't know , it must of been inches or itches
22 It is the doing of one or more acts which individually or collectively amount to such adverse interference with or usurpation of the owner 's rights which constitute appropriation under section 3(1) and I do not think it matters where there is more than one such act in which order the successive acts take place , or whether there is any interval of time between them .
23 Lord Roskill said that the law was this : " [ i ] t is the doing of one or more acts which individually or collectively amount to … adverse interference with or usurpation of the owner 's rights which constitute appropriation under s.3(1) . "
24 Lord Roskill had said that : " it is the doing of one or more acts which individually or collectively amount to … adverse interference " which constitutes the appropriation .
25 None the less , there can be no certainty that they are the works of Alexander himself rather than some member of his entourage .
26 It is , however , the case that any sentence other than the first in a fragment of discourse , will have the whole of its interpretation forcibly constrained by the preceding text , not just those phrases which obviously and specifically refer to the preceding text , like the aforementioned .
27 Moderators will expect to see marked work which clearly and helpfully indicates to students the strengths and weaknesses of the work submitted .
28 ‘ did assault … ( specify person ) ’ Assault means an act which intentionally or recklessly causes another person to apprehend immediate and unlawful personal violence ( Fagan v Metropolitan Police Commissioner [ 1968 ] 3 All ER 445 ) .
29 Police Force ( or Constabulary ) ’ Assault means an act which intentionally or recklessly causes another person to apprehend immediate and unlawful personal violence ( Fagan v Metropolitan Police Commissioner [ 1968 ] 3 All ER 445 ) .
30 ‘ Means an act which intentionally or recklessly causes another person to apprehend immediate and unlawful personal violence ( Fagan v Metropolitan Police Commissioner [ 1968 ] 3 All ER 445 ) .
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