Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [noun pl] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 " Silent Cal " , with his belief that " the business of the United States is business " , was a president whom Americans could trust .
2 I climbed fast for fear my fingers might freeze to the rungs .
3 The way to deal with the international support system at the moment is to reduce it right across the board — for all support systems to be reduced at a speed which farmers can bear and which bears on different types of farmers equally , both within the Community and as between the Community and our competitors in the United States .
4 The nursing skills the camp followers brought with them , must have reduced the number of fatalities and the contribution made by those who donned male attire , and fought along side their men can not be counted .
5 In the light of these considerations their Lordships can not help viewing a statutory provision which criminalises statements likely to undermine public confidence in the conduct of public affairs with the utmost suspicion .
6 The keepers of all precious stones and gems , dwarves are chary of speaking to humans for fear their treasures will be stolen .
7 As a result their ex-pupils may compete better for those elite jobs which demand scientific credentials , while retaining the general socialisation we have described .
8 These are difficult times for everyone , but effective training for new entrants is an investment in the future which publishers would find well worthwhile .
9 Without being prescriptive he prescribed a carefully considered and well-structured educational programme which teachers could understand .
10 If eclecticism is to be a matter of principle , it can not apply independently at the level of operational technique : it must apply at the level of appraisal which techniques will make variably operational in the manner previously discussed .
11 The Etude retrouvée that he also plays is one that the composer did not use in the final set ; although it has the same title and key as Pour les arpèges composés , it is otherwise quite different and a splendid piece which pianists will look forward to seeing in print .
12 Although in a world under divine guidance their actions can be said to actualize the Lord 's will , these actions can also be seen as the expression of women 's resentment and rebellion .
13 The example used in the chapter which students could be directed to is the car .
14 That er goes on in relation to er criminal matters again and er er paragraph three hundred and thi , thirty three forty one er it picks up the subject of expert testament , namely er science , art , trade , technical terms , handwriting , foreign law er the ensuing pages in fact deal with that and then at paragraph thirty two fifty one er in the er section of subjects which experts may not testify on .
15 The core elements are smashed into sub-atomic particles , and huge quantities of neutrinos are blasted out by the shock wave at speeds of 11,000 miles per second , unleashing bright flares of light which astronomers can now , for the first time , observe .
16 On Saturday their parents would be back .
17 Lord Justice Mann said : ‘ In practice their liabilities will be discharged by their husbands , who may understandably regard payment as a penalty for marriage to a British citizen .
18 Travelling is done on public transport — we have a college minibus which tutors can book for residentials , visits and regular timetabled activities , such as the Leisure Centre .
19 We do not need continued evasion from the Government about the effect their proposals will have . ’
20 Fathers may have very strong views on what course of action their daughters should take .
21 Denying the vote to children is not based on some false assumption about 10-year-olds ' political knowledge , nor to deny that they have interests , nor to protect them from the harm their votes might do .
22 They provide ‘ on approval ’ collections of new books which librarians may inspect before selecting , and these may either be sent to library premises or — a new development — toured round library authorities in special vans .
23 LLOYD 'S of London is a unique means by which people anywhere may buy insurance against risks of all kinds , but which has now fallen foul of risks its members should themselves have anticipated .
24 Quite recently many corporations have discovered that they were considerably over-insured and that by re-structuring their insurance and taking over some of the risks their costs could be reduced .
25 In future its activities will probably be based increasingly at departmental or Regional ( rather than Federal ) level .
26 He also pointed out in Committee , when we had no figures to put to him , that there are a very large number of second homes whose owners will effectively receive a 50 per cent .
27 Like Dean Acheson 's ‘ Present at the Creation ’ , which describes the cold war 's start , this book will remind readers whose memories may already be fading of some essential truths about America and world politics in the 20th century .
28 If suitable provisions ( Clause 19 ) are included in the partnership agreement ( and they are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 7 ) the interests of the firm can be largely protected ( or at any rate damage limited ) : when getting rid of a miscreant partner is likely to be rather easier than dismissing an employee whose thoughts may have turned to taking proceedings for wrongful dismissal .
29 She gave him a weary , large-eyed , shires-bred glance , a glance whose horizons should have been bounded by acres of plough and grazing .
30 After tea we children would wander off casually into the garage with despising giggles for the grownups planted solidly in their wicker chairs talking boring grown-up talk .
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