Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 Peter Carrington was a major loss , and although I admired the loyalty of Humphrey Atkins and Richard Luce I thought their resignations unnecessary .
2 Last time er it was er free distribution , so they needed someone to , workers for that and Sikh temple offered their services and er , I think they did the job very well because mostly we get a lot of volunteers round and er , many times I went their there was quite a big queue , er five or six people were serving at the same time .
3 Entitled ‘ La Pasión Criolla ’ ( ‘ Creole Passion ’ ) , the recording consists of twelve songs which take their inspiration from the scenes and activities of ordinary daily life in Argentina .
4 They are being backed by the United Kingdom Egg Producers and Retailers Association which says their plight has highlighted the problems being faced by thousands of small egg producers after publicity over salmonella infection .
5 Many of them wear long ragged cloaks , hooded coats , and dangling caps which cover their bodies and protect them from the sunlight .
6 However , prior to membership of the union all external producers are excluded from the home market by the imposition of a tariff which moves their import supply curves above the equilibrium price in the domestic economy .
7 The survival of many stone walls and buildings , and especially churches , from the centuries of this book , testifies that even before the mid twelfth century their wealth and pride and religious sentiment were sufficient to beautify them in lasting materials — and often , and especially with the smaller ones , their condition reflects the declining prosperity of later centuries which saved their older buildings from being replaced .
8 Tea , tobacco , dress styles which aped their betters , as well as excessive spirit drinking were all roundly condemned by those who insisted that the poor lived above their station .
9 Kilmarnock manager Jim Fleeting and part-time assistant Jim McSherry have resigned following Saturday 's defeat by Partick which ended their Scottish first division promotion hopes .
10 The silky attacking class and defensive composure of the newly-crowned Russian champions proved all too much for Liverpool as they slumped to a defeat which equalled their heaviest on aggregate in Europe .
11 Centres will then know what units have already been produced and may sometimes be able to avoid duplicating work already done by using existing units which suit their own local needs .
12 after discussion with their Course Tutor they are able to select a programme of units which satisfies their needs from the elective programme .
13 These modules provide students with the opportunity to plan and undertake a leisure and recreation programme which extends their current appreciation of what constitutes leisure and recreation activities .
14 The power of DNA lies in its containing both the instructions for making all the proteins in the cell , and the programme which controls their synthesis .
15 They have to deal with not only a still increasing level of crime , but also , because of a judiciary which shares their belief in the efficacy of toughness and hence is over-enthusiastic in the use of custodial sentences , the consequent overcrowding and appalling conditions of prisons .
16 Dishonest people would now be free of the salutary fear which alloyed their admiration of the confiding temperament of tradesmen .
17 Therefore , in the present study these interactions were studied in a strictly controlled experiment with rats , using dietary calcium and phosphate concentrations which mimic their concentrations in animal and human diets .
18 Since then , Labour has never made a generous offer of co-operation with other Scottish groups or parties which recognised their differing views on home rule or democracy .
19 In addition to the general vocabularies described and demonstrated in the previous section , there are many subjects associated with local history research which have their own special terms .
20 The appropriate change in day length causes the animals ' bodies to produce hormones which activate their reproductive organs .
21 Hedgehogs , which fish in this region , float about up there , remaining aloft due to the inflated sacs of natural methane which surround their bodies .
22 As community organizers know , change best occurs when people choose short-term winnable goals which build their belief they can make a difference and which can alter the balance of power , ( i.e. after this action , the youth group becomes a recognized force in the community ) .
23 If , let us suppose , you were driving south from Mâcon or Bourg-en-Bresse ( I would stay chez La Mere Blanc at Vonnas ) you could drive through La-Tour-du-Pin , Saint-Rambert d'Albon , Beaurepaire d'Isère , Beaumont-les-Valence , La Garde-Adhémar , St-Paul-Trois-Chateaux — the three castles which gave their name to the Tricastin district — then down to Suze-La-Rousse and the tiny village of Donzère and its great nearby dam which is as wondrous and absorbing a spectacle in its way as any of the great Roman glories of this province through which , they claim , Hannibal marched with his Carthaginians — and presumably his elephants — two thousand one hundred and seventy-seven years ago .
24 Rosanne : or , A Father 's Labour Lost ( 1814 ) , in which a daughter becomes her father 's religious and moral salvation , and Heraline , or Opposite Proceedings ( 1821 ) share many of its features : slightly heavy-handed authorial notes , careful attention to the influences which shape their heroines ' moral and intellectual development , condemnation of various aspects of behaviour prescribed for women , and matter-of-fact presentation of libertinism in high life .
25 Not only do they operate under a variety of influences which limit their room for manoeuvre , but public examinations , based on subjects , are a major constraint , recently reinforced by the subject-based GCSE examinations .
26 At the same time they submitted a memorial to Manners which stated their conviction ‘ that by a developement [ sic ] on the basis of the old architecture of the country there exists the best hope of our Public Buildings being effectually improved in character ’ .
27 In that case , the " open justice " principle did not prevail over property rights in the documents and the rule which limited their use to the action itself .
28 Two schools which opened their doors to deaf children in the 1890s were the Royal Cross School , Preston , and the Hugh Bell School , Middlesbrough .
29 According to a Nature Conservancy Council Report ( 1981b ) significant declines in swan populations in many parts of Britain are due to the ingestion of lead shot and weights which find their way on to lake and stream beds from where they are consumed as grit .
30 Together they pulled off a crime which cost their company 's banks and creditors more than eight million pounds .
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