Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Family Groups consist of a network of small local groups mostly of mothers and young children , meeting regularly under the guidance of locally recruited group and play leaders .
2 This week London audiences gave ET their verdicts on Of Mice And Men , adapted from John Steinbeck 's novel , and The Waterdance .
3 Across the aisle Lady Pemberley sat alone and behind her two grandchildren wriggled in charge of a governess whose long bony face and ill-fitting clothes reminded Alexandra powerfully of Miss Gracie .
4 And they are the laying on of hands , the anointing with the oil of Chrism , the signing with the cross the words , be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit .
5 Redness — bright , shiny red skin especially of face , mucous membranes etc .
6 The important compatibility advance will allow software to run unchanged on all Mips products regardless of supplier .
7 If you do it through A B S A , the government will give another ten thousand pounds so of course for the orchestra or the institution whether it 's opera , ballet , concert or whatever is , but it must be arts gets the extra money so of course that in a sense is very enabling .
8 Leaning against a recumbent Henry Moore , a group of English Sloanes , lanky people , all wearing old men 's panama hats regardless of sex , shared out the single bottle of champagne they had bought at the Duty Free and laughed loudly .
9 Again , it 's only two tickets per cheque regardless of membership cards ( makes you wonder why they have 'em really ) .
10 Employers with pay policy enables mothers to return to work and pay for quality child-care , can be of great benefit in an area where there 's a high proportion of single parent families or families where the mother is the major the breadwinner At a company offers equal opportunity regardless of race , colour or sex , heightens the feeling of self-esteem and potential of individuals within minority groups and this self- esteem can be catching .
11 Some ratepayers , especially in larger towns and cities , were persuaded to finance the building especially of workhouse infirmaries separate from the main workhouse building , where standards of treatment and nursing gradually improved — the room for such improvement being considerable .
12 Komatsu has built a robot with eight ‘ legs ’ that move four at a time to propel the machine at 200 metres per hour regardless of obstacles .
13 The Labour Party alternative ‘ fair rates ’ also used a property valuation with rebates for the poor but without any element that links the number of people in the household to its tax liability regardless of income .
14 At its mathematically most basic , superposition is just the adding together of quantities of different sorts .
15 Traditionally the seven awards have always been deemed to have been of equal value , but the interesting possibilities suggested by all of these short listed designs is the building in of individuality to awards which will closely resemble each other without being formally identical .
16 If not , he argues , players should be able to opt for another country if — like John Gallagher or the Samoans playing in the All Black trials — they want to play at the highest level regardless of country .
17 Lighting seemed to be at one basic level regardless of time of day or night though was subtly achieved in the final scene .
18 The presumption now shifts in favour of maintaining planned cash expenditure , rather than a given ‘ volume ’ of provision regardless of cost .
19 Women cast down , on whom life had left its mark , were to him sisters under the skin regardless of station .
20 Which would have Previously would have been the preserve only of papers like the Independent or the Times or the or the Guardian .
21 At trial the judge will have to decide whether his award of damages and interest exceeds the payment in of damages and interest .
22 ‘ And in any case , I have a rule in this school that all children remain in their own age groups regardless of ability .
23 I tell you what , erm , I 've got to revise my bit in of Gooch 's , I 'm such an admirer of him and everything , I have n't , I would have thought he was a brilliant strategist , I think during this summer he 's really begun to read the batsmen erm , strengths and failures and and set the field .
24 That would reduce the trade deficit regardless of Japan 's trade policies .
25 NNS and NN , who had such information , assumed that what mattered to an unemployed individual was total income regardless of source .
26 Moreover , some topics are placed by law within the ( co-determination ) jurisdiction of the works council , a formally union-independent system of interest representation in which all eligible employees may vote and stand for election regardless of union membership .
27 What really disturbed the Under-Secretary was the report he had received two days ago about the smuggling in of arms for this new Volunteer army .
28 TDC officials believe that TDC is less badly affected than other prison administrations with respect to the smuggling in of narcotics and other drugs .
29 Clara could never understand why others did not repay her contempt with contempt — why , for instance , the church-goers and novel-readers and fillers in of football coupons and motorbike owners in the area did not possess the courage of their convictions and gang up on Mrs Maugham 's massive disapprobation .
30 That problem is not a function only of Government or their housing policy — it is much more deep-seated and complex than that .
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