Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , in keeping with the somewhat critical approach adopted in Chapter 1 , and because we also wish to indicate how our studies might be put upon a set-theoretical base ( the soundness of which is the concern of set-theorists ) we propose definitions rather more formal than many a reader might expect .
2 In his view the crowding of " the destitute classes " into the cities had made " their existence thereby more conspicuous and dangerous " , particularly since they they " already form a substantial part of population , and possess even now , although they are still ignorant of their full power , great political importance " .
3 Jane Austen had of course much more first-hand experience of ‘ high life ’ than Richardson , on her brother 's estate at Godmersham ( Fig. 16 ) and elsewhere .
4 The ultimate scheme , which emphasized the simplicity of converging lines on a central pivot , symbolizing state power , was of course much More attractive to the head of state .
5 Thiemens told a January meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Boston that similar isotope effects may exist for other diatomic gases such as hydrogen and nitrogen which , like oxygen , have one isotope much more abundant than others .
6 Pale forms much more frequent than dark .
7 Economists worry that even higher rates would make a prolonged recession much more likely than at present .
8 Another rise in interest rates would make recession much more likely without necessarily ensuring a rapid easing of inflation .
9 They would simply be judged very improbable , the waving statue much more improbable than the lightning .
10 But , having used a number of different twin stem units I 've found the single wire stem much more versatile , although sometimes a little harder to remove from stubborn placements .
11 This is what occurred in the buyer 's factory but , because a number of ampoules were being washed together , the explosion was much greater than might have been predicted and the damage much more extensive .
12 The demolition of the Iron Curtain has made the Caucasus much more accessible to western mountaineers .
13 It is indeed very much akin to the famous Greek speciality , except that true taramasalata is made from a cod 's roe much more salty , more pungent , and less smoked than our own .
14 But the struggles over the bill bring to the fore much more general questions about how we understand state intervention .
15 The plants have got to keep going , but I think we can make working hours much more flexible .
16 Whatever his faults from the perspective of Amnesty International , those very same blots on his reputation were what made Romania much more credit-worthy than many less brutal regimes .
17 This represents a very substantial penalty and will undoubtedly make other owners and builders much more cautious over alterations .
18 Other officials communicated with the Board of Trade whose President , Lord Halifax , managed during his dozen years in office after 1748 to make the department rather more effective than usual .
19 In 1938 the ordinary fees were twenty-one guineas a year , and for those who paid fees this made Emanuel rather more expensive than the general run of London County Council secondary schools .
20 Later I understood why our national hero was so unpopular : he was the Tory minister who had called out the troops against the miners in the 1920s , an action much more pertinent in our mining town than the defeat of Hitler .
21 School subjects are all worthwhile but the time-table is filled and many of these subjects are pre-empting spaces that could be filled with subjects much more relevant to the modern world .
22 In consequence Ferrier 's ‘ Che farò ? ’ here sounds to today 's ears much more plausible than the famous , much more leisurely ‘ What is life ? ’ that opens the third disc .
23 What Nicky discovered is that responding to God is an act of submission — of giving in to a force much more powerful than our own .
24 They would drive away inward investors , make manufacturing investment much more difficult and defer the day when we improve our balance of trade in televisions , cars and all the other things that are now improving so strongly under the Government 's policies .
25 The consequent local backlash , combined with tighter control of hooliganism generally , seems likely to make the fans much more cautious in the future about gathering together , and it should be possible , therefore , to study the results , unintended as well as intended , of tighter policing .
26 The demonstrators ' tactic of walking into the police lines , while it was a principled assertion of their right to march , invited the violent response that followed and made further violence much more likely .
27 ISS believes that standards will be raised , not just by reforms in curriculum and assessment , but by making schools generally more effective .
28 On one hand the public demands ever more complex and advanced technology while at the same time mistrusting and denigrating the scientific/technological base that helps to produce today 's high standard of living in the developed world .
29 Suddenly Morse stopped , his mind once more six furlongs ahead of the field .
30 Having been frustrated in her 1988 cruise to Scandinavia , Islander headed north-east once more last summer and this time succeeded in passing through the Limfjord , sailing down the Kattegat and up into the Baltic as far as Stockholm before retracing her steps to visit Copenhagen for the second time on this voyage .
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