Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although fourteen answers to the fragmentation question concern housework , the housewife rarely thinks about the work she is actually doing .
2 Harvey suddenly thought of something else .
3 ‘ Sometimes employers only think of workplace nurseries and are put off by the expense .
4 Jehan suddenly thought about the possibilities of ambush , and he wheeled around to look for the trooper who was riding escort on this side .
5 Some sick part of my mind suddenly thought of fried eggs lying thick with grease on a plate , surrounded with bacon , curled and scooped and holding little pools of fat , the outsides of the plate dotted with coagulated lumps Gf grease .
6 Nitzer Ebb especially think of life as one long siege , a purifying test of your inner strength .
7 Apparently , Halsbury then ‘ conceived the idea that the case should be re-argued before an enlarged body of Law Lords and that , in addition , the House should adopt once more the practice of summoning the High Court judges to advise ’ , a practice generally thought to be obsolete .
8 It seemed unthinkable to turn Miguelito down now , after that warm flush of pleasure just thinking about being with him , his strong body and arms , his soft mouth and deep beautiful voice .
9 The spontaneity of metaphoric innovation in the speech of the professor 's children leads her to the revelation that words once thought of as ‘ the bare bones of language ’ are actually alive with flesh .
10 When the issue of international monetary reform had been seriously debated in 1972 the United States started from the position that ‘ the system should neither bar nor encourage official holdings of foreign exchange ’ , suggesting that ‘ the United States still thought of the SDR as providing a substitute for gold rather than for the dollar ’ ( Williamson , 1977 , p. 176 ) .
11 Have any of your readers ever thought about writing a sunshine letter ?
12 Teyler , Roemer , Harrisson and Thompson ( 1973 ) recorded evoked potentials when subjects simply thought of the meaning of words which could be used either as nouns or verbs .
13 Ken never thought of girls .
14 The Mercians may always have been ruled by more than one king , possibly several , before the mid-seventh century , and Bede certainly thought of Penda as king at the time of his attack on the eastern Angles in the late 630s ( HE 111 , 18 ) .
15 ‘ I do n't think any of the parties actually think about disabled people . ’
16 No Act of Parliament ever repealed the privilege of sanctuary within the girth of Holyrood Abbey , but defaulting Abbey Lairds no longer occupied the area where Thomas de Quincey knew he was safe from his creditors and Walter Scott seriously thought of doing the same thing .
17 If we spend one or two minutes just thinking about whose responsibility is training ?
18 The two rowdy West Indians obviously thought of themselves as wits of the first order and they were able to make the fat lady respond to their nonsenses with weird bursts of laughter .
19 Anthony sometimes dared to do the things that Nigel only thought of .
20 It made her shudder just to think of how mindlessly she had behaved .
21 After the timid The Maggie ( 1953 , High and Dry in US ) , Mackendrick 's Ealing oeuvre culminates in The Ladykillers ( 1955 ) where a gang of bank robbers , masquerading as an unlikely string quartet , engages in a battle of wills with an unutterably sweet and totally irritating landlady , symbol of Ealing 's ( and England 's ) determination not to think about the modern world , smothering the horrors and the nightmares in gentility .
22 The most important English writer of the seventeenth century on international law still thought in its middle years that " the reception of ambassadors further requires that hospitality should be provided befitting their rank , and necessaries supplied to them " , and practice varied considerably between different states .
23 ‘ Hey kid , ’ he said , ‘ didja ever think of becoming a model ? ’
24 It is most unlikely that Wordsworth ever thought of his philosophical ideas as a ‘ Creed ’ ; later he said that we are not supposed to take literally his reference to himself in Tintern Abbey as ‘ a worshipper of Nature ’ .
25 It seemed to have happened in a rush , just recently ; Ruth still thought of her as the upright , vigorous Gran of her childhood .
26 Hodads from Honolulu still think of the place as the Wild West and venture up the H-2 to stare at surfers as if they were herds of buffalo grazing on the sea .
27 With a third of all health authorities and trusts now thought to be entertaining the idea of introducing job evaluation schemes for nurses , warning noises are beginning to be sounded from all quarters .
28 Maggie immediately thought of the lack of seagulls she 'd noticed when she 'd been down at the sea-front .
29 Maggie immediately thought of Bryce returning to the flooded corridor to save here .
30 In celebration of his new appointment Mozart apparently intended to write a large scale missa solemnis in D minor , of which one movement , a Kyrie previously thought to date from much earlier in his career , survives .
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