Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] see [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Er do yo do n't you remember us ta taking Iris and Ian down to see her ?
2 For the next four years he sat as an engrossing clerk on a stool in the dusty office , so thick with dust that it entered the sunbeams ; and bent over crabbed writing in the books , or showed dull clients in to see his father , or sat the examinations , which he passed .
3 Dennis apparently saw me as ‘ family ’ , or at any rate as someone he did n't have to impress .
4 In a business where fees are usually paid on a success only , rather than an hourly , basis , this may come a bit hard to people who have worked hard for two or three months on a deal only to see it fall at the last hurdle .
5 He opened one locker only to see its contents cascade out , repeatedly bashing the head of the man sitting under it like a scene from a Laurel and Hardy film .
6 Bert and I both noticed it , independently like , even though Bert only saw him the once when he were so taken up looking to Celia .
7 But when Woodruffe took Woolley in to see it , nobody was looking at the trench-systems .
8 It was a disappointment for his many fans not to see him in action .
9 The cichlids just seeing them as part of the overall decor would move them out of their way , often causing them to come apart making them useless .
10 Although it is a parent 's or guardian 's statutory responsibility to ensure children 's regular attendance at school , schools generally see it as their responsibility to monitor attendance , to seek explanation from parents for pupils ' non-attendance and to ensure that once pupils come to school they attend their classes .
11 His skill on the ball meant that he was occasionally useful in an inside berth , but the Palace were seldom more than a struggling outfit while he was with us and it is doubtful if many Palace fans ever saw him at his best .
12 But such was the circulation of The Daily Worker in 1963 that few of Doctor Who 's growing army of fans ever saw it .
13 Because the Girls in Britain and on the Continent hardly saw him , it was a case of absence making the heart beat faster .
14 The flickering patterns of the light made her face seem insubstantial ; like something you might glimpse in a dream but which , when you came closer or held a clear light up to see it better , would fade or change back to its true form .
15 Without so much as a glance back to see his reaction to such an abrupt departure , Isabel scurried to the postern , yanked it open , and fled .
16 Yet the poet often sees her appearance in relation to her poverty , as one manifestation of a generally bleak and constrained way of life .
17 It was also important to think what she should wear , for if any of the Governors who had interviewed her only three months ago saw her at the service they would know why she was there .
18 Former Environment Secretary Nicholas Ridley went back to his old department today to see what could be done to help crisis-hit Gloucestershire County Council .
19 Business had been good in the few weeks she had been in charge , but she was astute enough to realise that many of the customers had been coming to the club simply to see her .
20 His expression wicked , he continued the stare which seemed to strip poor McAllister of her clothing , a stare so cruel that Dr Neil immediately saw its import and began to bridle at the sight , putting out a protective hand to his beloved , to feel her tremble beneath it .
21 for young people and if one of the things that corporations to my mind have a positive duty to do which is the social responsibility and we live in a society so increasingly fractured , rudderless and you know not so far away in places from anarchy that they have a duty to do things which effect maybe to see one the Bs not the A ones the Bs
22 hello , hi Matt , alright I did an absolute steamer , excellent , did it really well , it only took me an hour and ten minutes it took me an hour and ten minutes I have n't no I knew , I knew vaguely , knew vaguely enough I mean I have , perfect question came up just describe er the youths portrayed in the er book and there was only two , there was the main character who I got most of the stuff from , from what Katie told me and the rest was the other bloke was called Carston Corsalius and basically all we knew about him was he fancied this other one , the main character , and erm was a journalist , that was it ah put it in nine times , no , I , I do n't know what it means eh , er Matt did n't come in , er a bit of a shame could n't no yeah , what did you really want ? or was that it ? yeah yeah , fixed , flexible and managed yes fixed , flex , fixed , flexible and managed oh right yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , do n't they and er advantages and disadvantages of indirect tax was , untax and direct was the other one , you know it indirect taxes yes yeah I ca n't remember , I really ca n't remember , like a colour yeah , you wan na know both of those , I 'd , I , I could n't remember all of demand pull , I put down the wage , price , wage spiral or the waged price spiral , that 's a stinker that is , that 's a beauty , I put that down , its ' a beaut , that 's my best diagram and I did three diagram' in four essays I hate doing diagram' yeah he 's here now , we 're about to go for a quick drink like , he says he 's been revising all day so erm , and I shall , I shall brief him , just as you would expect , I shall tell him all he needs I do n't , I do n't want to leave him in the lurch okay see you in French yeah , bye , bye , bye
23 Ramsey never saw him again .
24 Me and Bert never saw him again . ’
25 The employee therefore see his involvement in a union , or support for his union , to be the best means of securing his personal objectives ( eg. through extra pay or shorter working hours ) or the employee may consider that his own goals would be furthered better by loyalty to senior managers in the organisation and acceptance of the organisation 's goals .
26 Jimmy Warren , who was apparently the only witness actually to see him fall , said he also had n't noticed anything untoward about Len that morning . ’
27 The starts of Flatliners ( 15 ) — including off-screen lovers Julia Roberts and Kiefer Sutherland — find a way to die for a few minutes just to see what life is like ‘ on the other side ’ .
28 Go and look at paintings in art galleries just to see what effect the artist is trying to achieve .
29 The Promenade as the holiday-maker rarely sees it !
30 Yeah Oh Ange your shopping Right see you at half past twelve then Ange , come over a bit before at twelve if you want .
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