Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Other sports that I would like either to see articles about , or receive info on from you are long distance riding and novice eventing .
2 She raked her hair feverishly from her forehead again .
3 The Board has met the deficit entirely from its own resources and has had to budget , as I 've said , a continuing deficit into the current financial year .
4 Have you still got a hair in from your
5 There would be change enough from her £5,000 after the funeral expenses had been paid , and I felt a little better after that .
6 When he bent that famous craggy face and strong jaw down from its natural elevation to the level of ordinary human beings it was not to advance any opinions or tell any anecdotes of his own .
7 While the men put them on , he led the fishing-line down from his marlin rod lashed to the after port stay .
8 So of one level up from what you think or one level down from what you think you should be doing .
9 18 months on from its official opening by The Duchess of York , the Club has achieved both of those initial objectives and is currently trying to build upon them , in communication with its members .
10 ‘ My Cat ’ , it began , ‘ was in agony due to being hung upside down from our bedroom window by my brother , when I set off in the luxurious coach provided for us .
11 Then she went and spoiled everything by behaving as if pissed , lurching backwards and forwards till she ended up hanging upside down from my finger , gripping so tightly she almost drew blood .
12 Mrs Kelleher put poor little Willie off her lap and took her instrument down from its high shelf ( roses and blonde ladies were intertwined on its end-boards ) , spread her knees apart as though to nestle Willie again , then , stretching out the pleats of her concertina , sent it screeching into a wild tune for dancing .
13 MILLIONAIRE composer Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber plans to spend £20,000 to take the pong away from his dairy farm .
14 The wind carried the shouts of the guards away from us so that they sounded like the shouts of men drowning .
15 Thiercelin held the polished curves of her shoulders away from him and looked into her face .
16 He eased his broad shoulders away from it and strolled slowly towards her , a faint , confident smile playing about his lips .
17 He pushed his mobile tray away from him , mumbled non-committally , lay down and turned on his right side , determined not to be trapped again .
18 Perhaps AM was worried that it might take some of the momentum away from their PostScript imagesetter but then they hardly seem to be setting the world alight with that either .
19 Kelly pushed her cup of tea away from her .
20 In other words , they 're taking a lot of the task that used to be given to manufacturers away from them and so manufacturers today are not by and large so concerned with manufacturing brands which are their own and will sit on retailers ' shelves as with providing a product for a retailer who wants to construct his own brand .
21 Does my right hon. Friend agree that many people who choose to work more than 48 hours per week , and who thereby earn overtime and give greater security to their families , would be most upset if an edict from Brussels took the right to work such overtime away from them , especially as hon. Members would be excluded from the rules , as would the bureaucrats in Europe and all managers and executives ?
22 He kicked the tin away from him and took a snap shot .
23 Push a couple of catches , the screen lifts up , the bottom tilts away from you and the whole lot clicks into position .
24 Tech-Green , in the interests of community and armed with their official regulations concerning public safety , would be quite within their rights to take Ari away from them .
25 ‘ Ooops , clumsy , missed , ’ Lennon said , and threw Ari away from him .
26 She pushed the second alternative away from her .
27 The old man , shabby and bearded , sat one seat away from her .
28 Yes Lee … you can actually run wide to pull a defender away from him every now and again .
29 If you feel any resistance turn the wheel slightly towards you and move the card slightly , then again start turning the wheel away from you .
30 Take your living away from you .
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