Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [vb base] that " in BNC.

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1 The TNCs will naturally and in many cases justifiably argue that what their critics consider to be the creation of new needs in developing countries in order to boost profits is , in fact , a response to changing consumer needs that arise in societies that are in the process of urbanization and industrialization .
2 The cases below demonstrate that adverse possession usually concerns either existing landowners who gradually add a bit on to their gardens ( " boundary cases " ) or city homeless ( the " threat to law and order " cases ) who resort to squatting as necessary for living as well as , perhaps , for ideological reasons .
3 Hoteliers constantly argue that Muzak encourages relaxation but it is certainly not to everyone 's taste .
4 Many people in the West fondly believe that if Russia is denied high technology its future political activities will somehow be constrained .
5 In the heart of one of Herefordshire 's oldest tracts of forest , Richard Fleming is just starting the twenty hour long process that turns wood into charcoal .
6 These data together show that indomethacin scavenges oxygen free radicals .
7 ( ‘ And even as wheels in harmony of clockwork so turn that the first , to whoso noteth it , seemeth still , and the last to fly … ’ )
8 Escapes from Highpoint alone show that Group 4 is by no means alone in ‘ losing ’ prisoners .
9 Or it may be that these animals somehow embody that peculiar quality of untamed wildness that readers admire and appreciate .
10 Those authors who operate independently of Palace purview soon discover that doors are quickly locked , bolted and barred to inquiry .
11 The data thus show that a large proportion ( 30–40% ) of those who begin this treatment may become longterm users .
12 Obviously , you the supporters already accept that I must take the greater challenge when it comes .
13 Fans already feel that their loyalty is being taken advantage of as clubs keep changing their kits , ’ adds Sue .
14 22.1 The Parties hereto agree that the Agreement has been made in accordance with and shall be governed by Belgian law , and that this Agreement and the provisions hereof shall be construed in accordance with Belgian law .
15 Many Western Marxists still deny that the experience of Eastern bloc countries has any direct relevance for the future planned performance of Western economies following their transformation into socialism .
16 The doubts still persist that his statue-like stance — feet wide apart , legs straight and head looking down the pitch over the left shoulder — leaves him in no position to deal effectively with the fast , short delivery .
17 Competitions for practical designs usually imply that prizewinning entries will find their way into the market , but in reality they often fail to find a manufacturer .
18 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
19 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
20 Does my right hon. and learned Friend further agree that the Opposition spokesman showed his lamentable inexperience of industry when he talked about poaching ?
21 Now it is an essential part of the day and young recruits quickly learn that a good breakfast is vital if they are to survive another demanding day .
22 Never mind ; it distinguishes FRSC from FRCS ( many reference books still fumble that one ) and lists sulfur as an American spelling of sulphur , recognising the way people actually use words , not how committees say they should .
23 Foreigners always find that a difficult process — in fact only one of them made a real success of it — and Disraeli possessed what Ezra had been denied — the elasticity and toughness of a good Jew .
24 The number of mortgages in arrears also suggest that repossessions are set to continue .
25 Monetarists also recognize that the demand for money can shift unpredictably in the short run with changing expectations of prices , interest rates and exchange rates .
26 These nations also recognize that their public sector purchasing would not be enough to maintain a full array of aerospace , telephone switch and computer industries .
27 The notebooks also show that she had grasped that the A form contained two strands running in opposite directions , but she had not then understood the exact relation between the A and B forms .
28 Interviews conducted by Toner several centuries later suggest that attitudes have not altogether changed .
29 Comparison of the POU domain of pou[c] to other known POU sequences clearly show that pou[c] has the most divergent POU domain sequence reported to date .
30 The successive replacement of dA by d ystems3C A resulted in a considerable drop in the T m values of the duplexes , 317.6 K for the unmodified duplex ( duplex 1 ) as compared to 304.2 K for the duplex containing three d 3C A residues ( duplex 4 ) and the thermodynamic parameters clearly demonstrate that d 3C A destabilises the duplexes .
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