Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 Without a word she left the Archimandrite 's cell , swept from the courtyard in a manner which made three sheep instinctively follow her , and started down the mountainside .
2 ‘ And my Lord de Villiers obviously adores her . ’
3 Susan clasped her hands because she was trembling , but the tension in her locked fingers only made her shake the more .
4 He said that dozy cow only decided she was going to try and fucking pull out with a great big juggernaut coming down .
5 Er do yo do n't you remember us ta taking Iris and Ian down to see her ?
6 Gilly could feel Miss Ellis 's fingers on her backbone gently prodding her through the doorway and into the house .
7 She does n't sit on the settee much does she ?
8 The experience so thrilled her that she decided to make a career of it , and by the age of 10 she had performed in three Broadway shows .
9 Alexandra suddenly found she was crying , great gulping sobs , tears splashing down on to the kitchen counter , an aching sense of something very precious which she had discarded without even a second glance .
10 Will-power alone kept her rigidly in place .
11 Edward rather liked her .
12 Ever since Courtney indecently assaulted her at his Harley Street clinic in October last year , the girl known to the jury as Miss C has been having nightmares about the attack .
13 A loud snigger from the auditorium suddenly destroyed her .
14 The 300-strong crowd of party supporters warmly applauded her when she argued Labour 's policies would give a fair deal to women .
15 Politeness alone made her go back to see the doctor , and listen to her almost stern advice .
16 As she forced her way back along the pavement , laden with shopping bag and plant wrapped in paper , Meredith suddenly realised she was being hailed .
17 Bernice suddenly found she badly needed a drink , but her hip flask was empty .
18 ‘ The thought of having a plaster in her mouth so revolted her , she vomited . ’
19 You bring a request from Dora not to deprive her of — what is the English expression — her meal ticket ? ’
20 Depictions of the nativity meanwhile show her with her son , with Joseph , the angels , the ox and the ass , the shepherds and the magi : with all the characters who make up the Christmas story .
21 Disbelief momentarily robbed her of words ; then she exploded , ‘ You rotten , self-centred toad !
22 Had a car not followed her a long way along the Bayswater Road when she was coming to meet Urquhart ?
23 Mummy just said she 'd have a do , she 'd have a go .
24 I might have escaped her vigilance when I made off with the boat , but my wails of distress soon brought her running to the rescue .
25 When they reached the bedroom there would be no Rosa tonight to protect her , to save her from herself .
26 But Simpkin finally broke her to lead 5-4 , then had two set points .
27 She paused as words momentarily failed her .
28 Maxie just sold her Hank another nice one , a Triumph . ’
29 Her skin was still lightly tanned from the summer , her thick dark eyelashes did n't need mascara to give them extra body , and the blue of her eyes and the dusky pink of her lips usually gave her face enough colour .
30 Mummy always thinks she knows best .
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