Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The withdrawal showed how scared companies are of the negative publicity they might receive if they do not clean up their acts right down the line .
2 There is a commitment within the company to develop worker 's skills right down the line , and this has been done through training and education schemes .
3 He was right , a fire watcher came in saying that there was a stick of small unexploded bombs right down the Palace Road but that the junction of Munster and Dawes Road had had a hundred pounder and houses had gone .
4 Under pressure and under personal attack , the planners retreated into a legalistic interpretation of their role , making much of the requirements of various Acts of Parliament most notably The Sewerage ( Scotland ) Act of 1968 which , they argued , obliged them to service all new houses , something which they could only do by concentrating properties in particular places in order to reduce the cost of such an exercise .
5 In addition , Pahl ( 1975 ) and others have shown that commuting may be a constraint rather then a preference , and that many higher income manual workers are ‘ reluctant commuters ’ , who are only able to afford homes outside metropolitan areas .
6 And er I know er we used to put er i er kind of er Bit of er play on once a year , there .
7 The worst kind of burn gives painful blisters and general skin damage within about an hour after exposure .
8 It 's quite clear from the British Coal letter that there is extreme concern about by the operator of the coalfield about the effect of any new settlement along either the A nineteen south or the A sixty four south corridor .
9 If you are able to say , ‘ I do n't know , ’ then you will be able to learn the Technique so much the quicker .
10 While this issue has not been expressly considered , it seems fair to assume that rather than incur the risks inherent in giving the board so wide a discretion , and relying on the usually well-founded assumption that the shareholders ' dominant purpose is to increase their individual wealth , the court , at the price of some distortion , would define the interests of the members exclusively in terms of their personal financial well-being .
11 The characters to be printed are sent from the computer along either a parallel ( Centronics ) or serial ( RS232/V24 ) interface .
12 Once The Stage covered all finals productions from the drama schools , but now they may write up a play perhaps once a year .
13 ‘ That Mr what's-'is-name who used ter come round 'ere wiv the cockles on Sundays put 'is bad chest down ter the fog .
14 In the light of the by-election result in Scotland and the fact that we have an opportunity only once a month to put our constituency interests , I appeal to you not to hear frivolous comments from Conservative Members but only real issues that concern Scottish Members of Parliament .
15 If they wore a uniform or had been cast aside by Sarah so much the better .
16 Uneasy , because during those hours so often the dying became the dead .
17 And of course there were no houses down where the village ha past the village hall in those days .
18 In the United Kingdom , a citizen may have the opportunity to vote in a national election only once every five years .
19 Flames licked over the straw , which crackled and flared , and the Wheel was clear of the ramp and bowling gently down the cleared path .
20 Generally , women become familiar quickly with the scent of their infants , and can recognise their baby by smell alone only a few days after birth .
21 Homosexuality aroused revulsion in about a quarter of the respondents , another quarter seeing it as sick , odd or ridiculous .
22 He used to be a crane driver dear for , yeah he used and I 've got to , one of me sons now is a foreman for , well they 're not now it 's , it 's sort of amal amalgamated with another firm now I think , but he does , he does erm , he 's a foreman like now , he used to be a truck , crane driver and my , the very night that my hubby died on the following Monday he would of been working in Harlow , he got a new crane to take over in Harlow and he 'd been working away from home for weeks and months of the year always away , coming home weekends and I used to have to cook and do his washing and pack him up for going off again Monday morning early , but he never was near home working then , and as I say the night before he went he was , he was gon na work on the Monday to in Old , to Harlow down where the new er place was for and it unfortunately cos he went .
23 Oh of course down there the bottom and that there used to be a lot of erm there used to be some lodging houses what they call lodging houses for people what 's got nowhere to go you know , you used to sleep and .
24 Floriade ( at Zoetermeer until October 11 ) is an international festival of gardening held in The Netherlands only once every decade , when every aspect of the world of horticulture is on display to amuse , inform , surprise and delight .
25 ‘ We will shortly move our milk distribution depot to the site and plan to be packaging locally sourced milk in about a year 's time , ’ he said .
26 Q3 underwriting loss $53m lower at $28.3m produced deficit down almost a half from $259.7m to $133.1m as remedial action proved increasingly effective .
27 His band play only once a month , although they 're offered 15,000 roubles per night .
28 There were three gunners , both front and rear of the plane and one in a bubble canopy halfway down the fuselage .
29 Barney explained the intricacies of the pre-selector gearbox , after which Julie engaged first gear and , with a slight jolt , moved the big car slowly down the station drive .
30 Stencils are quick and easy to apply — you could copy this effect in under an hour .
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