Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When she got no teeth in she just got up
2 It follows on from that question , it comes , you 've got a line B Sky B er , you 've got a line B Sky B in the T V er , division so it presumably , that loan interest is coming in that division , is that right , rather than net if off against interest ?
3 Now either way , obviously it 's a head injury and must be dealt with , but we 're going to do an overall thing here by saying right , now the next one on the list is concussion now concussion is shaking of the brain inside the skull now there 's noth no room for anything but the brain inside that skull , so if that 's shaken the brain hits against the sides of the bra of the er bone , and bruises so what actually happens here is the brain gets shaken and the nerve cells get damaged now you 've all seen this con and it 's so easily done concussion , you can go through a whole list of things which can cause concussion , road traffic accident , sport , construction working erm anything that erm , heading ball , football that 's another one that erm you get quite a bit of concussion and of course boxing
4 Ca n't think in the arts , in the art bit so I just I just go in for a coffee as well , yeah .
5 when they wore thin on the end and we had to put a new link in we never threw the two halves of the link away , we pointed them and made them into staples .
6 To take advantage of that large amount of fuel , we have to develop what are there is the fast reactors , and this is Britain 's fast reactor a fast reactor erm uses energy erm about sixty time uses uranium about sixty times more efficiently than the present type of reactors not sixty percent but sixty times so it obviously has tremendous implications for uranium resources .
7 see what 's on this afternoon , I sha n't look up any thing this morning , unless there 's a cookery programme on we both did a lemon
8 Yeah erm that might be true but then sometimes it can be an adventure to put ideas in people 's heads so they actually write something
9 I could n't get through to Tshwete so I then called in the Australian Ambassador in Pretoria , Colin McDonald , to personally contact Tshwete and get a firm decision .
10 and I reckon he broke them but he says he 's no broken but I I I felt the tooth in two side of my mouth so I just stopped the treatment there and I 'm going to another dentist some time but my wife , I do n't want to go there now cos money 's tight , I was on the D H S S , I was due to pay the first forty nine pound .
11 First , it has a quality of first-handedness and authenticity about it — a person 's own thinking not somebody else 's .
12 No well I do n't want anybody going round saying that the phones have been inundated in Norwich because we because we have n't circularised the number properly cos that 's our fault not anybody else 's
13 Young Irish star Adrian Maguire joined Scudamore on the 32 winner mark yesterday with Richard Dunwoody just one behind .
14 Chelsea hooligan like I always said .
15 David up you there see , I 've got
16 He told me that he liked my playing and that he would give me a ring when I got back to Milwaukee , and about three to four months later we actually formed a band and went on tour .
17 I could n't wait to finish at the studio that day so I could slip down the record shop to pick up a copy , and several months later I still have n't stopped playing it .
18 The Comintern expressed righteous indignation at such an attack , although eighteen months later it tacitly accepted all these points .
19 And 15 months later it now has the Club Mirror Innovation Award for the most successful marketing concept introduced into a social club nationally .
20 Just like to ask the hundred women here , we have the Chippendales , and we have the men from Texas now we always hear that they 're sell-outs , you know
21 Six months ago we never thought she would achieve her ambition . ’
22 I think he 's like flogging a dead horse here I really do !
23 There is an impenetrable magical force here which only the library key can remove .
24 Nevertheless , the Year of the Skull ended with my old enemy in my power ; the bone jug pulled from the ground like a very rotten tooth indeed one suitably dark and stormy night , by torchlight and Stoutstroke the trowel while my father was sleeping and I should have been , and the heavens shook with thunder , rain and gale .
25 The Chancellor of the Exchequer , Kenneth Clarke tells the programme how she once asked : ‘ Why do I have to do everything in this Government ? ’ and no-one had the nerve to give her the obvious answer — she did n't have to do everything .
26 Since I 'm buying Three Choirs for my shops then I obviously rate it highly .
27 Then , after having taken the most daring steps forward he sometimes retreats a few paces , so that on comparing two paintings close in date the earlier example often seems more advanced and developed .
28 It 's a programme where they also sing the songs of one tune wh to another tune .
29 Sue Weston ( Mrs Griffin ) has after a period of secondment returned to the National Childminding Association where she now works as their National Training Officer .
30 Maybe not today , but you 've lost at some stage in the future when you least need to lose .
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