Example sentences of "[noun] [art] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Within a few minutes the atmosphere in the bay was normal , and Ace was jetting towards the shuttle 's cabin door .
2 During the final minutes the woman in front of us exploded .
3 After the second day 's play the ball in use was locked in the Oval safe and sent to Lord 's the next morning .
4 The relatively detailed information in the annals and in the correspondence of Alcuin for this phase of the reign of Eardwulf enables us to perceive more clearly than is usually the case the way in which an attempt to challenge a Northumbrian king could embrace both internal dissent and external interference .
5 In Fig. 10–3 the increase in output is not as great as it would have been if this interest rate effect had not occurred ( in which case the rise in output would be , to , rather than , to ) .
6 In such a case the rise in the transactions demand for money will match the rise in the supply of money .
7 In any case the struggle in his mind was an ideological one .
8 If in any given case the land in dispute is unbuilt land and the squatter is aware that the owner , while having no present use for it , has a purpose in mind for its use in the future , the court is likely to require very clear evidence before it can be satisfied that the squatter who claims a possessory title has not only established factual possession of the land , but also the requisite intention to exclude the world at large , including the owner with the paper title , so far as is reasonably practicable and so far as the processes of the law will allow .
9 In that case the corporation in the exercise of its licensing powers under section 37 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 ( 10 & 11 Vict. c. 89 ) limited the number of hackney carriages in that area to 300 .
10 In the first case the item in question is cheap to produce but the parts to which it assembles are difficult to design and the assembly process demanding .
11 In the first case the item in question is cheap to produce but the parts to which it assembles are difficult to design and the assembly process demanding .
12 In the case of carers who have their own children this is easier to see than for the classic ( and disappearing ) case of the single daughter who was presumed to be childless ; although in that case the assumption in the past was that the single daughter would be rewarded in material terms through being the major beneficiary of her parents ' will , if they had money or property to bequeath .
13 The defendant 's servant , who had little skill as a chauffeur , started the engine of the car and without any fault on his part the petrol in the carburettor caught fire .
14 The Goa Congress had attracted most of its support from the Christian and Konkani-speaking southern area of the state , and in large part the election in November was fought on communal lines with the Hindu-dominated MGP campaigning for recognition of Marathi as a full official language for the state .
15 In part the sweetness in his illustrative work grows out of his delight in the physical nature of things .
16 Witness for instance the use in car manufacture of self-tapping screws rather than nuts and bolts , the use of circlips instead of nuts to secure bolts , or plastic body sections and panels to reduce both body weight and manufacturing costs .
17 Some of them ’ , like for instance the farm in Connecticut , are quite small .
18 In contrast the trend in cardiovascular mortality with head circumference ( table I ) remained significant after allowing for external conjugate diameter .
19 If the expected FEV 1 for height and age were 1.5 l and the expected birth weight 3300 g the difference in their expected FEV 1 would be 0.026 l ; this difference would increase to 0.031 l for a lower gestational age with an expected birth weight of 2700 g .
20 He looked as though he had just returned from a Chas'n Dave concert or tied up Hercules the horse in the Steptoe and Son barn .
21 This hardly looks the same principle , but the connection lies in the fact that for Kant the sense in which every person is an end is that each is a rational agent who , as such , should be conceived as potentially cooperating with me in settling upon and living by universal principles of behaviour taken as binding on all rational agents .
22 If all these subjects had had endometriosis at the time of removal the rate in current and recent users would rise to 0.42 per 1000 woman years ( from 0.22 ) and the relative risk would be non-significant at 0.7 ( from 0.4 ) .
23 In most cases the text in the columns wo n't line up which indicates that the person who put it together did n't know about this little trick .
24 In all three cases the difference in perceived depth for the two simulated viewing conditions was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .
25 Built by William the Conqueror in thanks for his victory over King Harold — legend has it that the high altar marks spot where Harold died from an arrow through his eye .
26 They descended from Sir Pagan d'Urberville , who came from Normandy with William the Conqueror in 1066 . ’
27 The most important is Domesday Book , the great survey compiled for William the Conqueror in 1086 .
28 William of Poitiers used the Gesta Normannorum Ducum when working on his history of William the Conqueror in the 1070s , but the beginning of his Gesta Guillelmi has not survived , and it now opens with events just after Cnut 's death .
29 A journey to the capital in the late 18th century can scarcely have been as harrowing an affair as that made to Kent by William the Emigrant in 1711 .
30 Gerald has been known to coin such memorable one-liners as the following : ‘ If the joy of the Lord is our strength , it 's little wonder that the church in Britain has been so weak and ineffective ’ ; ‘ There 's no virtue in being ten or twenty years behind the times ’ ; ‘ Most Christians are nicer than God himself ’ ; ‘ It is the unshared areas of our lives where Jesus is not Lord ’ ; ‘ One of the reasons the church in Britain has failed to grow is quite simply because it is full of people who are extremely rude ’ ; ‘ Putting the life of God into institutional Christianity is rather like putting the life of a human being into a kangaroo … . ’ 'You are only a leader if someone 's following you' ( Gerald Quotes ) .
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