Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] this day " in BNC.

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1 " Then I will take no further responsibility for this day 's hunting , " said the Frenchman with quiet finality .
2 It may be that a further Hurricane was also lost , some sources recording R.A.F. fighter losses for this day as five Hurricanes and three pilots .
3 His last thoughts were that he would make amends for this day ; he could baptise the maiden , they could be saved together , they could marry , he would love her , his heathen maiden , no , his heathen hoyden , he liked the rhyming of that , heathen hoyden , he would cherish her beneath the fruit-laden tree .
4 There was no use pretending it had n't happened : I had wished for a pure Pacific experience , a truly new world experience at the dawning of this day , yet it had become hopelessly muddied with a relic of the old world and the Ocean whose time , we are now supposed to believe , has passed .
5 The other legitimate reason for panning is to relate one part of the scene to another , a situation which can arise as a natural part of the action in this day on the beach sequence .
6 But the general observational procedures laid down by Hubble have been followed by his successors to this day .
7 Furphy , whose recent past included a spell in the United States , ( where a high flyer leisure executive delivered the ‘ amazing ’ one liner , which has stuck in his mind to this day ) is the hands on marketing man whose job it is to oversee the vast membership growth that is enabling Lloyd to expand at the rate of two clubs per year .
8 Pain was credited with a ‘ probable ’ for the German fighter he had claimed shot down , but in fact the Luftwaffe suffered no loss or serious damage to any of its fighters on this day .
9 WALLY WHYTON 's avian puppet stooge , this lovable owl disturbs Stuart Baillie to this day .
10 I still have n't seen the priest to this day .
11 I can still remember most of the words to this day :
12 Quaint tools such as cockles , bows , strikes and pages are skilfully welded by our master craftsmen to this day .
13 And it still turns up in Jam books to this day .
14 Indeed , these relationships survived and are influencing credit-financing of industry to this day .
15 So we and that 's that really is er is too higher proportion for this day and age , particularly with all the publicity that 's being put out .
16 Meanwhile in 1772 the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew engaged its first professional plant collector , Francis Masson , and packed him off to South Africa from where he duly introduced a great number of exotic plants , at least two of which , Zantedeschia erathiopica and Amaryllis belladonna , are still grown in Trust gardens in warmer areas to this day .
17 He feels bitterness and betrayal to this day .
18 This is quite a specific issue , and I 'm not sure that this committee on this day is in the best position to discuss it in detail .
19 As far as we know , they all used two or three microphones spaced some yards apart along the front of the orchestra , a technique favoured by American engineers to this day .
20 In Tuscany and Umbria to this day there are countless hill towns of much the same age as the hill forts of southern England — a few of them much older .
21 By the time Bishop Shine had become Bishop in the twenties the Faith C.J. became very involved and have been the mainstay of the Guild to this day .
22 My Lord the er plaintiff 's case is that as a result of the advice that he was given by Mr er it was clear to him that he had no way out of this contract , that he was committed to it and that he had no choice but to proceed with the matter and there was then er further discussion on the telephone on this day , Friday , between Mr and Mr to where they were going here and Mr said he would now write to the plaintiff setting out what his options were to him and the letter than was sent by Mr was dated the twenty second of October and the letter , the relevant terms of this letter are set out in a statement of claim expressing at paragraph three eleven of this statement saying and of course er that is admitted by the er defendant .
23 We 've got another meeting in place for this day week have n't we ?
24 ‘ Come and take a good sniff of this day , ’ he said , pushing open the window .
25 One of the purposes of this day was to examine the north
26 He says there should n't be toll bridges in this day and age .
27 Perhaps one is safer being a turf accountant than a chartered accountant in this day and age .
28 The Abbey Mill had been replaced with The Old Mill House ( number 2 in Millers Green ) in the late 18th century , an original millstone apparently surviving in the cellar to this day .
29 This Marco Polo spirit lives on in Liberty 's buyers to this day .
30 He set aside an area of one hundred and nine acres to the east of the original Saxon village ( called Old Town to this day ) and on it laid out a regular plan of streets — three running parallel with the river and three others crossing them at right angles .
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