Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] if they " in BNC.

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1 Judgements made in the course of a lecture will be taken down in notes as if they were facts , whereas it is in the nature of critical judgements that they can not be taken over by others ; it is on this dilemma , I believe , that Leavisism ultimately foundered .
2 In particular , I do not claim that the text " " presents " " these units " , in practice he picks out intonational units from the text as if they were given ( albeit he sometimes admits to ambiguities of prosodic structure ) .
3 Lamps of every size sprouted in pairs where no one had seen the need for lamps before , until there were as many as four pairs on the front of a Cadillac , and there were models which carried fourteen lamps as if they were Mississippi riverboats .
4 She was a little woman , not much taller than Carrie , but she seemed strong as a railway porter , carrying their cases as if they weighed nothing .
5 Immediately the two brutes knelt , licking his fingers as if they were pet dogs .
6 Erm it was the way they sort of checked all the way round the car park as if they were looking to see which would be the best .
7 Sometimes they met for lunch or a theatre in London , on neutral ground , and both looked forward to these meetings as if they were occasions of almost illicit pleasure .
8 People get a very negative attitude , they think that these , like there was a caller recently that sort of equated nationalism with er , with you know Nazis and , that 's completely wrong , I mean , but , and , and , you 're all in the news you 're always hearing about the radical nationalist deputies as if they 're some sort of strange breed of person , but in fact they 're just like the MPs in our House of Commons , democratically elected people , sensible people who want peace , they want prosperity for their country and er , there 's , there 's no mad empire imperial ambitions , Lithuania has no need for an army or anything , but er apart from just maintaining er internal er control , but er people have a very strange attitude a very anti nationalists , I find it curious .
9 To my mind it is as much of a prostitution of literary talent as Hemingway committed by his glorification of bullfighting , to read the likes of Allan Massie , lending his elegant prose to the description of pugilists , praising boxing as an art-form as if they were opera singers engaged in an aria celebrating physical courage in a coloratura of fists .
10 Learning them by heart as if they were magic signs .
11 In both directions — south towards the Grand Parade and Patrick Street , and north to the quays — other horse-drawn vehicles threaded their way , wheels screaming , drivers cursing and cracking whips , the while throngs of Friday shoppers darted from one side of the unpaved road to the other , dodging between carts and traps and under horses ' necks as if they were n't there at all .
12 The injustice of life stung her bitterly — Sylvester getting them Bones and co as if they were straight out of the champions ' parade at the Horse of the Year Show and not even knowing that some horses jumped and some did n't , and thinking that all weedy little Hoomey needed was motivation to become Seb Coe the second …
13 Our safety regulations er dictate that they be a certain distance from the crowd , so that if anything did go wrong , the aircraft would be able to er get out of the way , but no , there is not going to be any danger at all , they 'll make their approaches to the base as if they were attacking , and then we 'll have simulated ground bursts , a large fire as it were , on the ground , it will be going off , providing the sound effects for it , but it 's going to be just a great thing to sit and watch .
14 So when I stumbled against him and threw my arms round his neck he just stood there , unmoving except for a slight step backwards to keep his balance — though I thought I felt his hands touch my waist for just an instant as if they had made an automatic move to hold me which he had cancelled .
15 A Scottish Office official responded that the list of potential sites had been published and local authorities were being asked to deal with any development proposals as if they had already been designated as SPAs .
16 She is now living with Vronsky as if they were married . ’
17 You get a momentary flicker as if they acknowledge , suddenly , that there 's an intelligent life form here , but it passes .
18 I looked at set-backs as if they were predetermined , as if a fixed number of them were waiting for me and once one of them was overcome the number to come decreased .
19 Some people speak , and write , through a blur of adjectives as if they secretly knew that at heart of their hackneyed attempts to articulate is nothing .
20 Instead of a series of national financial systems linked by a few operators buying and selling credit across the exchanges , we now have a global system , in which national markets , physically separate , function as if they were all in the same place .
21 Other comments ( from other authors ) that you find interesting and that look as if they might be useful can go down in the blank spaces .
22 These two look as if they were being careful not to disturb things too much .
23 ‘ I knew you was n't one of his usual harem — none of that lot look as if they could boil a kettle , never mind an egg .
24 But Muriel writes off these youngsters with their strange clothes and weird hairstyles as if they were a lower kind of creature altogether .
25 He talked about events in the Middle Ages as if they 'd happened-yesterday and been fully aired on the nine o'clock news .
26 We began our discussion of the policy-making process by considering the roles of parties and pressure groups as if they were on the outside looking in , so to speak .
27 He could hear the words as if they were still resonating in the dank air of the shower room .
28 The priest relayed the directions , spitting out the words as if they were poison .
29 First , most professional anthropologists use these words as if they were technical terms , but there is no general agreement about how this should be done .
30 Lou spat out the words as if they had turned rancid in her mouth .
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