Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 He thought that he lost his hold on sanity for a time then ; he knew , later , that the black despair and the agony of loneliness had closed about him fully , and for an unmeasurable time while his reason spun wildly out of control .
2 When two blocks of the same polymer are brought together and held at a temperature just above the T g for a time t , interdiffusion of the chains takes place from each block across the interface ( see figure 12.6 ) thereby joining the blocks together .
3 Frustrations will cloud your horizons for a time but you will shake them off and emerge well pleased with your efforts .
4 But er it would cause chaos for a time
5 Finally it is stored in casks for a time which varies according to the final requirements , since pale and bitter ales take longer to mature than mild ales .
6 The bitterness of war put an end to the beautifying of houses for a time .
7 To be fair , these materials performed a useful function for a time in the propellers of Spitfires and similar aircraft .
8 It filled you , with glory for a time , but the glory soon departed and then it left upon your spirit , oh , the most appalling ravages .
9 J. had been with the now famous 617 Squadron for a time , and in talking about this he was able to furnish me with details of an incident which I had vaguely heard of while I was at Bourn .
10 Himself an illegitimate son of Mary 's father , James V , and a collaborator in the murder of Darnley , Moray held on to his captive for a time in that Loch Leven castle where the queen had also been imprisoned .
11 Arthur immediately started to tell a story about a time in music hall when he had set out to behave less admirably and had cost a theatre manager a packet .
12 Mrs Thatcher , like Mr Heath before her , clearly regarded Opposition as a time of preparation for government .
13 Before 1781 it had consisted of only eight houses , but in that year the Strutts — who had gone into partnership for a time with the then-needy Arkwright — built the large cotton mill that still stands there .
14 681 to Malmesbury ( CS 59 : S 71 ) , and a certain Berhtwald , possibly the nephew of Aethelred , who befriended Wilfrid for a time c .
15 Data General , which offered NeXT workstations for use with its AViiON servers for a time , says it is working with NeXT to make NeXTstep available on its line of Dasher II 486 personal computers .
16 It played on his mind for a time and eventually he had to work out a kind of therapy to get her out of his brain .
17 COUNTY councillor David Clark warned of significant changes to bus services affecting Liss residents at the parish council annual general meeting last week , saying that there was bound to be some confusion for a time .
18 Throughout her reign , and particularly in its first decade or so , noble factions and the struggles between them did much to restrict her freedom of action : in 1772–73 the conflict at court between the rival Panin and Orlov parties for a time deprived her almost completely of any such freedom .
19 ‘ Let's keep our presents for a time .
20 ‘ Let's keep our presents for a time . ’
21 Nothing happened with the turbine , but the V8 got as far as running in prototype form in the James Bond Esprit , which Rudd used as his personal car for a time .
22 For this reason Simons argues that self-evaluation should be isolated from accountability demands for a time , although she also believes that school self-evaluation could provide the most positive form of accountability procedure in the long term .
23 Despite the entry for a time of media conglomerates such as the Mirror Group and Thomsons into the West African press , I think it is still fair to say that the primary motivation for producing a newspaper in Nigeria is political rather than commercial .
24 Albini — unlike many — recalls '80s alternative rock as a time of goofiness .
25 The improvement in medical knowledge and other changes of recent times made marriage a more stable institution for a time than it was in the Middle Ages .
26 Yet Brandt , born illegitimate , exiled under the Nazis , who had even become a Norwegian citizen for a time after the war , had come through many trials .
27 There was a shadow hanging over Bourn for a time and nothing was fun any more .
28 According to the SEP light will travel at a velocity c in any direction in the frame of the capsule , so that light will reach the roof after a time Δr/c .
29 3.3 Time restrictions If there is no mention of a time restriction in a covenant then the courts will normally infer that it is intended that the restriction should last forever .
30 It has also been suggested that the field is a remnant of a time when Mercury had suffered less tidal slowing of its axial spin , at which time the core was molten , Mercury having cooled less than today .
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