Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [verb] day " in BNC.

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1 All she had was his husky voice as he made love to her , his body against hers , and the chance to pretend to herself that he might love her as he expressed emotion through lovemaking day after day , night after night …
2 Only a few months after vesting day , they were still wrestling with the enormous problems of reorganisation and the standardisation of the many different electricity tariffs they had inherited : this additional burden seemed to them too much .
3 Three months before opening day he was sentenced to 14 days in Brixton Prison for contempt of a High Court undertaking not to deal in any more counterfeit tape .
4 Horace Walpole describes the effect of walking through the grotto into the garden in language that both recalls Eloisa to Abelard and anticipates descriptions in the Gothic novel : ‘ The passing through the gloom from the grotto to opening day ; the retiring and again assembling shades ; the dusky groves , the larger lawn , and the solemnity of the termination at the cypresses that led up to his mother 's tomb , are managed with exquisite judgement . ’
5 Arrange care for your pets on moving day
6 Publishing newsletters at regular fixed intervals creates anticipation by parents and they will be searching children 's bags and pockets on printing day .
7 He 's won British Housebuilder of the Year awards in such categories as ‘ Condition of the Home on Moving Day . ’
8 The pattern of weather systems is fascinating , and I try to predict the sport on opening day on the strength of them .
9 Priskin 's back to his mischievous ways , though he now knows to keep a low profile on washing day .
10 An unskilled man taken on in such a partnership , might easily find himself with the smallest share on reckoning day , which was usually at the end of a two month term .
11 The quiet of Hertfordshire did wonders for me , I walked in the grounds and looked across at the ‘ Immemorial elms ’ and listened for the ‘ Curfew ’ to toll the knell of parting day in the best Thomas Gray style .
12 The curfew tolls the knell of parting day ,
13 As in a normal environment , an individual in a time-free experiment will show a very similar pattern of eating day by day .
14 I am presently researching new and rewarding ways of proving day services to people who are Asian with learning difficulties .
15 Voluntary organizations already play a major role in providing day centres , lunch clubs , advice and pastoral counselling , and probably the most effective way of providing an acceptable mental health service is by attaching professional workers to the places where homeless people already go willingly for help .
16 They opened , from scratch , within seven weeks to see 800 people fight their way through the store on opening day , building up to 1,000 by the first Saturday .
17 Turner , who made his League debut on opening day , played for the youth team last week .
18 A spokesman for the County Council confirmed that charges for using day centres are being considered .
19 Jane 's family went away to stay with friends before moving day and she travelled down to Suffolk first to make the place habitable .
20 The LNG plant currently consists of five processing units ( trains ) having a combined unit capacity of approximately 2.0 billion cubic feet of natural gas per operating day and an output capacity of approximately 338,500 barrels or 79,000 cubic metres of LNG and 17,000 barrels of condensate per day .
21 The third reason for demanding day care is the social isolation and boredom of mothers .
22 Fish normally seek out the warmer shallows , and if there are a few days of sunshine before opening day then you will know where to choose on the bank .
23 With Pinks at op'ning Day ;
24 If you are planning to do this yourself , start at least a fortnight before moving day .
25 Years ago we stored water in a big cream pot but that came to grief during a hard frost and we had to resort on one occasion to a possing tub — that is a fluted tub made from galvanized metal which was common to most households before washing machines — which , of course , had to be used for soaking the dirty clothes on washing day .
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