Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] on about " in BNC.

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1 of course goes on about what he always goes on about and er I would remind him that the supplementary estimates which is in the amendment here , is also in the amended motion which is proposed by the Conservatives and had all party support on every committee that it 's come to .
2 But Mum goes on about that wretched place as though he was chief jailer at Broadmoor .
3 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is appalling that the Opposition whinge on about the failure of this country to export , when we know that what we need from both sides of the House is unanimity to help exporters and not complaints about them ?
4 The lawmakers prattle on about wanting greater continuity .
5 Well there was erm during the eighties , for instance , there was a lot of talk going on about having some changes within the constitution .
6 Listen to people on the Continent going on about the inadequacies of their own health-care systems .
7 I do recall Jimmy Hill spouting on about it being all seater and anti-hooligan .
8 The sight of the European Community 's civilised , like-minded nations bickering on about the pros and cons of more joint government , with ethnic war on their doorstep and a great deal to achieve across a newly opened continent , would seem absurd to any visiting Gulliver .
9 ‘ I remember one journalist went on about her black dress from Yves Saint Laurent at the wedding , and how I wore cords , as if they were shocked that Catherine Deneuve would be with someone like me .
10 Loads of blokes like the Manics and Bobby Gillespie go on about her being a great pop star , but can you remember the words ?
11 I found it incredibly erotic , and the more Dennis maundered on about boiled sweets on the nose , the more erotic it became .
12 He has also had to counter allegations that he is dragging television down-market then listen to television pundits witter on about skirt lengths , sexual chemistry and the F-factor , under the guise of highbrow criticism .
13 Though not in favour of DJs wittering on about their birthdays he does n't he was no doubt grateful for these .
14 A whole load of boring industry heads droning on about how important they are and trying to cop off with each other ?
15 Pollitt thundered on about Italy 's invasion of Abyssinia which he and his party roundly condemned .
16 We wo n't be able to nod off as news presenters drone on about the world 's woes and mother-in-laws ring with the latest family crisis .
17 You are lost in a strange country , among a lot of incomprehensible wogs going on about Twenty-fourthers and God knows what , and you are probably scared stiff ! ’
18 Just this fat bloke going on about how much he does n't know . ’
19 bloke going on about nothing to them , you know they thoroughly enjoyed doing the songs and everything , but when it came to listening
20 In between is the bit Wordsworth went on about .
21 It 's okay for Australians to bang on about the risks they get a summer .
22 Chainsaw guitars , bonecrusher drums , some bloke yammering on about serial killers … a sound that could only come from one place .
23 Then you ring Dial-A-Ticket ( 0532–710710 ) which is generally engaged , so you re-dial at frequent intervals till you get through to a recorded ticket office girl blotering on about similar information .
24 Erm y'know erm it 's also erm perhaps interesting the way things have er have shifted you know in the last decade or so , like that thing that erm used to be on in the seventies , It Ai n't Half Hot Mum , with um a number of people pretending to be Indians and and exhibiting all the stereotypes y'know it ai n't half racist mum is probably more erm er in fact there was a book called It Ai n't Half Racist Mum that er Leicester University library had er y'know going on about exactly that you know the sort of y'know racism of comedy .
25 Erm , Mr goes on about displaying items of pain in a really rather sort of strange way , erm , the only reason why there 's any pain in this budget is because of the constraints that this Tory government is putting on us .
26 No need to go on about the band in this preamble .
27 No need to go on about it . ’
28 ‘ What 're those dogs goin' on about ? ’
29 Hoomey felt a compulsion to babble on about what had happened , stimulated by their dice with the law , but Nails , now it was over , seemed unmoved .
30 On the other hand , what you 'll get is this continual lying going on about kidding everybody that everything 's better than it is and , of course , the eternal gratitude .
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